Guess What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in shock. I'm thinking a good time for surgery would be beginning of June. My parents asked that it be while kids arent in school. I'm scared, nervous...etc. I know God will take me whenever he chooses no matter what, but I hope I don't die during or anytime after surgery. No complications. Sure I don't like the thought of death but what scares me the most is if I die, my 3 daughters will have to grow up w/o me
. I hope he wouldn't make being approved so easy just to take me out lol. Janet says I can schedule it anytime as long as I pay before surgery. I have to pay a little over $4,200. up front & then insurance pays the rest. You would know I paid that much paying off my credit card last month but had to. I can't stand credit card interest. So , I guess we talk about it later. If I schedule for June & can't pay everything, we can reschedule. I'm hoping we'll have it saved in plenty of time though. Of course I'll update ya'll later when I know more.
Oh, & I should be at the meeting tonight!

Congrats on the approval. I hope to see you tonight at the meeting for real this time. Maybe Christine and I won't make some other person be you this month LOL. I can still see the look on that poor other Melissa's face as Christine and I talked to her like she was supposed to know who the heck we were. That was too funny.
Thanks ya'll. Im still trying to let all of this sink in. Melissa & Christine, I thought about the meeting I missed last month & was wondering if ya'll would be introduced tonight as Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee. lol! I'm nervous about the meeting. I'm shy & don't always do well meeting other people. I always feel insecure.
My DH will be with me. I wish I had his weight problem...he can't gain. Eats like a hog. Anyway, see ya'll later!
Congratulations girl.. You will do great. Dr. Whitehead is fantastic and isnt Dr. Brahan still assisting him? They are both highly qualified surgeons - plus Janet is in surgery with you and she wont let anything happen to you.
I do hope you come tonight - if people dont start coming I am going to quit going... Fair warning if a certain someone shows up and its about due her time - Tweedle Dee and I will get trouble fer sure by Janet. She will seperate us.
I am thrilled for you. I remember how happy I was the day I was told I was approved. No feeling like it - fear and happiness all at once.
YES!!!!!!! I am glad to hear you are getting scheduled!!!! And EVERYBODY worries about the same stuff - dying and leaving their kids is prolly #1 on the list! I suggest you look thru the profiles and find someone who has been successful with their surgery and had more health problems than you do and is heavier than you.....and read their profile dailey and everything they post....and constantly tell yourself that if they can get thru it, so can I....that's what I did and it really helped me!