Bad experience with the scope!!!!!
Ok well I had the scope done on the 16th. I got there about 9ish and did all the paperwork for the scope and pre admissions for the surgery which is on the 27th of March. So i got in the holding area for the scope and the nurse asked me gazillions of ?'s which i had already answered all day anyway ... well anyway she got the little needle thingy in my hand rolled me in to the procedure room and i talked to Dr Clevelend for about 2 mins and she THEN administered the medcine. They sprayed my throat to num it and got started. WELL...... I DID NOT GO TO SLEEP. I think i did relax enough that i did not flelll around on the table like a fish but i did
on the table and gagged the whole entire time i was in there. It was the most worst experience i had ever had..... The nurse told me that the medicine would prolly hit me a little later.. well duh what was the reason why it did not hit me for the procedure... well anyway i was glad that was all over with. DON'T EVER WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN... But I did get some good sleep when i got home.......well anyway that was what happened to me .... love yall .... Hope yall's went better than mine did....
He did not find anything. the scope was clear.

Oh, that's sad - I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Everybody does react differently, and that is definately not the norm - Mine was a very relaxing morning - My cousin drove with me there. They gave me the twilight sleep and I only remember one or two seconds during the procedure but I was perfectly relaxed. Well, at least it's over for ya, and maybe you won't have to have it done again. Best of luck and keep us posted. DeAnna.
i hope i never have to have another one of those either
i kinda feel like i was so nervous not knowing what to expect that my nerves got the best of me and when it was all over with and got relaxed and got home that is why i slept so hard and long.... my nana drove me home so i was not by myself. i want the good stuff on surgery
luv yall tonya