Whats up with me!!!
Boy, Arlies was talking about Spring Break and her busy week with so many visitors! I will have my school Spring Break the week before Easter. I am leaving on April 7th to go to Madrid, Spain.
My friend, who works there, and I are going to see all the holy week processions, which are a bit like Mardi Gras!!!
I am so looking forward to having such a good time. We plan to go to Seville, Cordoba, and to see the Alhambra. I have never been to Spain so it will be very exciting for me......

Then I come back to school and we have 2 3 day holidays back to back, one is National Day (May 1st) And Buddha's Birthday 28 April. One of those weekends I want to go to Bangkok for a little fun! Thailand is a wonderful place to go, so much to see and the shopping will make your head spin! LOL!
Next is May and School wide Exams. My year 10s will take their first serious practical exam. I am hoping that they do really well on it. I have worked hard this year with them in Art. I do have some very promising artists..... After exams......
I will guide 19 students and we will go to Greece! We will tour some places in Athens and Corinth, including biblical sites, then go to Ephasis in Turkey to see the ancient city (my second time there) it is awesome! We will go on a cruise ship for three days to visit the greek islands. It is my first time to go to Greece so we will have a great time......

Then, I come back to Hong Kong and it is time for the year 11 annual formal dinner. Got a smashing formal dress. It is an important event for the students and my tutor group is all year 11 students.

Next, we have graduation, then I hop on a plane to the US for my 40 year class reunion!!!!!! I am really looking forward to it and I am proud that I have lost most of my weight and will look good to see everyone. It should be a great time. We are having it at the MS. Sports hall of Fame! Any suggestions on what to wear???? Still trying to figure out that one. After a short rest.......
We will have a bash on July 15th, hope you all can make it!!!!! (now that was sneaky, wasn't it??? LOL) Hope that you all can make the road trip on a nice Saturday and just think you might score some great clothes too at the Fantastic clothes swap!!!!!!!!!
Whew, NOW I am tired and I still have 2 more classes to teach!!!!!

Can I come too??? Can I, Huh, huh??? Can I???
What day is your reunion at the MS Sports Hall of Fame? Can I plan something up here for us to get together with you? I know Kimmie and I will be there!!! And I bet some others.
WOW!!! and then after all that, guess what??? School will restart!!!! Where does the time go???

oh oh oh oh !! TAKE ME TAKE ME!! I WANNA GO MOMMY!!! hehehe. I'd quit my job and sell the kids . Just kidding. Wow, that sounds like fun, a bit busy but FUN !!!!!!!!!!!! I've wanted to go to Greece for so long, just never made it there. Athens, the Acropolis. All the good ancient stuff. I'm so envious. Take lots of pictures and send them to me!!! Hehe.
Ok, we will get some shrinking powder so that you all will fit in the case and I will take you all along. LOL! Remember that I will have 19 active 8th graders to watch over for 12 days with no break! I am OLLLLDDDD and havent had little kids for years.... Always kills me as I am now very lazy with little ones. But they are good kids and gung ho for the trip!
Maybe we could do something on July 2nd? I dont know what all the reunion committee is planning for now, will keep everyone posted.
I will take tons of photos and post them all on my site
www. webshots . com username is hkbookworm