I won't make the meeting Monday
I had planned to make the meeting Monday at Pine Grove but no can do. I have been so sick this weekend with cramps and diarhea big time. Aching like heck and sweats.
Some fever but not much.
I seem to be some better but just miserable with a tummy ache and still messing up my clothes. I know TMI. I just felt like writing and spilling all the details. One thing about it I am not over eating. Just sipping a little here and there since Sat morning.
Since I will be away from my family this weekend me and Tommy have plans for Monday night. I hope I feel better. I am attending the seminar this weekend at Pine Grove and have made reservations to stay in Hattiesburg Sat night. I have NEVER done this for myself--staying away from home by myself . I am desperate for this time away from my family. I have major stressors going on and well.....I just still need prayer. I am definitely feeling better though. Springtime helps that is for sure. Some green showing around here. That makes everything look better. I must say I do get a little apprehensive with the hurricane time coming up. Anybody else having these thoughts. I am going to buy lots of water and food before summer and get ready just in case. Batteries and koolaid packets. We have gotten a BIG generator for the shop and house. It will run our place no problem. He bought a huge tank and getting frying oil from places--that is what this thing will run off of. I don't know. I just get a little nervous when thinking we could go through that again. Oh ye of little faith!!!God did take care and will the next time!!
I hope you all have a great week. I am already looking forward to our spring break the week before Easter. That monday we are going to gulf shores for 2 days and just relax with the 2 little ones. Then that Sat we will go to Mama's for Easter. Always ready to go to Mama's!!!!!It is just one hour away but I do miss home.
I am not familiar with Parlee. Do we call her something else or does she not post much?? I pray she will have an easy time.
Glad to chat with you. Later!!
Hope you are feeling better and I will be thinking of you! Have fun on your family-less "vacation"! It sounds like a good idea to me!
Parlee has been a member, for a long, long, time. She doesn't post much and hasn't posted in a bizillion years, but I keep up with her thru emails...and on rare occasion, she does post.