We're back & More
Hi. We're back from 'vacation'. Arlies, my DH was wanting to stop in Pearl for something & I was going to call ya but (as always) we were late getting off & the kiddos were wound up so we didn't stop. Not trying to be ugly but it wasn't as much fun for me. Sure I enjoyed being away but the girls are young & as much as I hate to say it....SPOILED. We hurried thru some of the stuff in Vicksburg & I wish we couldve stayed longer. Then we went to Biloxi. Really all we did that night was go straight to the outlet mall to look around. Hard to do with the brat pack.
I know, don't shop on vacation w/ kids. We couldn't meet w/ Rhonda...sorry again Rhonda. That night I wasn't sure if I was coming or going. We finally just went to the hotel & ate pizza. THe next morning we went into Biloxi & drove beachfront to see the damage left from Katrina. Its hard to comprehend everything. I was thinking before we left (about laurel) "there's still debris around here, homes in need of repair.." so on & then we see mounds of debris EVERYWHERE on the coast. We went to Gulf shores Thurs. night. More shopping & stuff w/ the kids. The electricity went off for an hour this morning, but I did pretty good. We were out of electricity for 3 wks after Katrina & anytime the electricity flickered since, I would almost have a meltdown. I was worried it wouldn't come back on for some reason, but I was ok. Maybe after seeing the coast?
Anyway, we finally made it home earlier around 4 or 5. & I had 2 messages on the answering machine I'm wondering about. One was Janet (Dr. Whiteheads nurse) saying she needed to speak to me about my application. & then one lady called from Forrest General saying she needed to speak to me concerning a pending upcoming procedure? I'm wondering if I got approval or if I'm having to have some tests/labwork done. So I'm trying not to get excited. Guess we'll find out Monday what the deal is. I'll shut up for now! Take care!

Hey Melissa, I totally understand about you not having time to meet with me, when you have little ones, they pretty much rule everything. Luckily, my little one is 15 now, so we have a lot of freedom to do as we need to. We ended up going to a place called Captain Al's Steak and Seafood, it was totally delicious, but it was almost 8 before we got in to eat. We were extremely busy as well. These days there is always something going on, something to do. Julian does A LOT of community service to help those in need of repairs and stuff. He is such a wonderful samaritan.
Hopefully those two messages are good news. We will keep our fingers crossed for you. We should have a luncheon in Hattiesburg soon, and maybe you can make it to that. We will post it when we decide to do it so that all can come.
Take Care,
As Em said last night, "Momma, I need ANOTHER spring break to recoup from this one!" I think you do too! WHEW, I am just tired reading all you did with hubby and kiddos....I sure hate I missed you, but we will get together YET! Maybe at the next h'burg luncheon???
Glad your home safe and sound!