Is it my nerves or just the lure of the cheetos?
Does your Dad really get his feelings hurt or is he using his emotions as a tool to manipulate you?
Some people are really sensitive but my guess is that he knows that you are the sensitive one so he uses it against you.
I will pray for you. My dad, before he passed away, used to try to play on my emotions. That is probably why I became a counselor.

Thanks Sonya, im sure he is trying to manipulate this situation, as usual! GRRRRR I love him to death, but he has always had away of getting me to do what ever it is that he wants me to do ! I have always wanted to please him , but its a VERY hard thing to do. Thank you for your prayers , i realy do want to be able to handle this without going in the nut house over it. HAHA
I know what you're going thru and I can only say thank goodness my mom ( and yes I DO love her!! ) doesn't live closer. The one month she comes to visit every five to ten years ( remember she's in Germany ) about wears me down. In the beginning I would spend an entire week deep cleaning every nook and cranny of my house in hopes she would approve of my home being clean enough. Somehow it never was. Things were never done right, the food wasn't cooked right.. blah blah blah.
Then I turned 30 . Last time she visited I was working fulltime in the first trimester of my last pregnancy. Needless to say I wasn't up to par with the cleaning OR the cooking nor the rest of anything since they were constantly adjusting my blood pressure medication trying to keep me from going thru the roof. I would work, come home, fall asleep on the couch trying to socialize and watch TV. So they changed my meds and I would be awake all nite, naturally, I'd be in my room on the computer after everyone would go to sleep. I kept my mouth shut like a good girl.. till the day I heard her coming from the back where the guest bedroom is.. and she told me.. at 10 pm.. LO AND BEHOLD!!! that it was time for me to go to sleep and get off the computer. I think I had held my breath for like two whole minutes TRYING not to blow up in her face and I couldnt help it, hormones oozing and temper flaring, I told her that this is MY HOUSE and I GO TO BED WHEN I WANT TO. Oh and while we were at it I explained that if she wants it clean, since she's home all day while I work 40+ hrs.. she can feel free to clean and cook to her hearts content. I was diabetic, had to eat sugar free, low fat yadda yadda and she didn't like the food I was cooking OH WELL TOUGH NOOGIES!! In the end, I brought her to visit my sister's house in another State.. otherwise it would have ended ugly. So yeah.. Honey, you just have to do what you have to do. Him coming to visit one day a week, may be still tolerable, but you better be honest with him and say look, you can't stay here.. get a hotel room.. if you MUST stay here.. pay me so I can hire a maid and a cook !!! LOL
I feel for ya.... so now scoot over and share them damn Cheetos!!!
< muahhhh > Hugs n kissies girlie. Miss ya!!!
PS you can always come visit me.. we'll just go tan ourselves on the beach and leave all them kinfolk behind us

It 's tough. I know. Bring the Bikini and the BIG bag of Cheetos (me likes the HOT ones lol ).
Wish I was there right now to be there for you. You know I'm always here for ya if you need to talk. Heck, you KNOW where to find me, you got my AIM and my yahoo name, you got my home AND my cellphone numbers, you even got my work email if you need to talk. Use them, hon. I 'm always there if you need an ear.
Oh.. and you think its a good idea trying to make a fast getaway? Think Donnie and your daddy would honestly make it alone? NOTTTTTTTTT!!!
Just be honest with Pop. Tell him how you feel. I know he's your dad and all, but the guilt trip about the whole situation has to end, Sweetie. If you can't deal with him living with you, you need to stop it before it starts. Once he's there living with you, you won't be able to stop it.
You're a grown-up now ( yeah I know, I hate that too sometimes !!*sigh*). Do what's best for YOU! Stop conforming and constantly making others happy. You need me and Arlies to come sit with you when you tell him? :D
Luvsya hon....
Remember I have met your dad, and I can tell how he could be a bit difficult. However, I think he has an open mind and you just have to stand up to him. You don't have to be mean, just tell him, you know dad, since you are going to be staying here with us, you are going to have to understand how busy and hectic my house is with four kids, and if you don't like the mess, help me out some and clean it up, otherwise get used to it. He will probably be more understanding than you think, otherwise, he can stay in a hotel if he don't like it. You have to stand up for yourself. He will not love you any less for putting your foot down. Another thought, I know that your mom has a pretty good relationship with him, since he does live right across the street, have her talk to him on your behalf, I am sure she would do that for you.
As far as the cheetos go, just stick with the tiny bag, it won't hurt you at all..
HAHA I would love to see my mom try to tell that man anything, why you think she divorced he stubborn tail? I DID talk to him a little today, i think i got my point across , if he wants to stay hes gonna have to over look the toys in the floor, and if i leave a glass or two in the sink over night the world aint gonna come to an end, oh and if i make my kids grill cheese and can soup for dinner they will live, i also welcomed him to bring his on groceries for the nights that i dont cook and he can cook up whatever it is that he wants! After that he told me hes looking into buying him a camper trailer! haha (whew) I sure hope he can find a nice place to put it!