Is it my nerves or just the lure of the cheetos?
I just ate a whole small fun size bag of cheetos in about 5 seconds flat! I normanly dont fall pray to the lure of empty cals and carbs!haha Im actually fighting to ugre to go eat another bag of them!
So this is how it all started get a call from my DEAR DAD hes gonna be takeing a job on the coast , and yep you guessed it he has no place to stay! I love the man i want to make that perfectly clear, BUT he is a bit of a hum whats the word im looking for here huh........well i dont think i can say it! Let me explain futher . He has been working in hattiesburg area over seeing dibres removal for some company, he has been staying with close friends in petal . god love them! lol He comes and stays about one night a week with me to give them a break , thats fine i dont mind ONE night a week, This is how it goes when Sammy comes to visit 1. MY house MUST be spotless ( i have 4 kids 2 2yrs olds at that) its not a easy thing to do but i manage one night a week. 2. he expects a nice big meal with all the trimings ( i dont cook everynight of the week , but i can manage ONE night a week) 3. HE expects everything laid out like this is a hotel , towels , soap , clean sheets on my 7 yrs old bed who he sends to sleep with my 10 yr old ( they dont like each other very well , so thats always a fight, BUt WE manage ONE night a week) 4. HE goes to bed around 745 pm so he SENDS ALL OF US inculding Donnie and I to our room at that time also all lights and tvs must be off( we manage ONE night a week, yall know us we find something to do! haha)
SO my question to ya'll is how am i going to not eat all the cheetos in south mississippi , if he comes to LIVE with me 6 days a week? Im sure I will also be EXPECTED to do his laundrey that includes IRONING and starching everything to paper thin perfection!GRRRRRRRR HE is of course danglaing a dollar sind in front of my broke face, but yall i really dont think there is enough money in the world !I guess i will use it all to buy more cheetos!
DAWN~~ (licking the cheetos off my fingers!lol)
Yep, I would love for you to TRY and explain things to this man , who THINKS he is the KING! LOL I know i need to grow up and put my foot down to him , i never have , dont realy know how. Seriously ya'll i do need prayers on this one , i cant realy explain how awful a thing this is gonna be for me , not to mention my marriage! He drives the DH up the wall with his nit picking. I will tell you this IF i can make it threw and extened stay with him and not wind up in east mississsippi state hospital it will be an miracal !
Slowly read your e-mail back to yourself. How old are you? 12. Nooooooooo you are a big girl. You don't have to do anything of the sort. Iron and starch hellllllooooo.
My mom is clean and tidy but she can get over it if she doesn't like my mess. Lighten up and he may just surprise you and adjust. If he doesn't he can ummmmmGET OUT daddy or not.
I am definitely a daddy's girl but for no love would tell me how to live and what to cook.
Love ya
I know ---cheetos are bad and I Think we like them becuase they are salty.
Ok ok I read it , and its pittiful!
I will pray for the strength to tell him like it is , with out hurtting his feelings. He gets his feelings hurt real easy, and i dont want to do that , but i dont want to be miserable either. My little sister , who lives right by the man , can tell him where to stick it , but i never have been able to. I will get threw this one way or another.

I just got off the phone from telling my mom to stop doing guilt. That if she did it would be the greatest thing to ever happen to her.
You have nothing to feel guilty about in this matter. He's the wrong one not you. You don't have to get up in his face. You can be very gentle about this. In fact, I think you should. The most important thing to remember is DO NOT GET ANGRY/UPSET. He doesn't know any other way to be. Your house is clean and you will do your best to meet his needs but you aren't going to kill yourself over it.
Also, remember that fish and house guests start to stink after 3 days.
God love you, babe. You are so going to need it!