Sleep Study follow-up
I forgot to tell ya'll the outcome of my sleep study followup! I was in bed for 7 hours and 30 minutes at UMC. Of that time, I slept 6 hours and 59 minutes!!! Yeppers, I CAN sleep!!! I was awake for the short time cause I need to go potty and couldn't get them to answer me so that they could come unhook me to let me up - but I found out why! The two ladies that were having their sleep study at the same time ran those techs ragged that night! One slept 2 1/2 hours and the other 4 hours - tho neither one believed they slept at all! They both got up about a billion times a piece. We were all there for our followup so we talked! I teased them and told them I was the A student at sleeping and they were the evil ladies!!! (Seriously, the secretary said the techs REALLY complained about those two and the fact they scheduled two such bad sleepers at the same time.) They were fun! At any rate, I am OFF THE CPAP!!! My instructions were to NOT sleep on my back - and I never do, I am a side sleeper ONLY- and keep on losing weight! Jon is gonna take my CPAP back with him to Meridian, cause my vendor is in Meridian, and turn it in on Monday!

wow Arlies! That's terrific!!! your lungs must be so happy!
Mine are feeling better day by day. I was one of those on the verge of getting CPAP (probably would have if I'd actually gone for a sleep study--but i wouldn't have been very compliant--i toss and turn too much for the tubing).
so are you feeling more rested? can you tell any difference with vs. without the machine? just curious as to how that is.