Getting to know you 3/17/06
I wanted to do this today..
Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Do you get up and get right to getting dressed or do you have a little quiet relaxing time before you get everyone else up?
Do you snore?
What obsession/addiction do you have and spend money on daily that is not needed?
Shower in the morning... Have to cause of my rooster hair..
True Blue morning person. Bed by 8 last night. Up at midnight. Why cant I sleep??
Get up at 5:30 normally and drink coffee and take shower before I wake my kid up at 6:30
Dont snore unless I am extremely worn out.
Red Bulls and cigarettes. I need to stop drinking red bulls. Up to 4 a day at $2.00 a peice. Its all I drink besides coffee.
Do you shower at night or in the morning?
I take a tubby, usually in the morning cause I got rooster hairs too and like smelling pretty all day!
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Morning person!!! Up at 5 am EVERYDAY!!
Do you get up and get right to getting dressed or do you have a little quiet relaxing time before you get everyone else up?
Depends on what I have to do...I do at least get decent because Polly wants to go out!
Do you snore?
Not anymore!!!
What obsession/addiction do you have and spend money on daily that is not needed?
Not daily, but YARN!!!! I buy lots of fingers are addicted right now to crochet....but sometimes they are addicted to knitting!!! And books....I buy almost every new release!
Do you shower at night or in the morning? Crazy as it sounds, Both..
Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl, hate mornings
Do you get up and get right to getting dressed or do you have a little quiet relaxing time before you get everyone else up? I have to make myself get up in the morning**** the snooze a couple of times before I get up
Do you snore? only when I am totally exhausted, used to when I was overweight
What obsession/addiction do you have and spend money on daily that is not needed? CLOTHES... I totally love to shop now!!

1. Morning
2. I am a morning person
3. I get up moving and getting ready.
4. I do not snore. I did when I got so overweight but back to normal now.
5. I don't really have any addictions or habits that I spend money on that isn't needed on a daily basis. My only addiction is food LOL. And hopefully that one is under control. Now, I do drink my coke zeros daily. So, I guess that counts. And Lord knows I love to shop til I drop.
Do you shower at night or in the morning? at night and in the mornings
Are you a morning person or a night owl? hmmm i think i am both
Do you get up and get right to getting dressed or do you have a little quiet relaxing time before you get everyone else up? i get up make the beds, wash a load of clothes drink some coffee and turn the today show on and watch that while getting ready. i have to have my matt, katie and al in the am's lol lol
Do you snore? no but trust me my hubby does enough of that for the both of us. lol
What obsession/addiction do you have and spend money on daily that is not needed? smokes. i have tried to taper off a bit but i can assure you that i will be quit by the time the thingys go up a $1.
Do you shower at night or in the morning?I shower at night it is from when I was lil Mom wouldnt let me get in bed as dirty as I was lol.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?Both I stay up watching tv till late but when the sun rises I am up and at em.
Do you get up and get right to getting dressed or do you have a little quiet relaxing time before you get everyone else up?I get up get dressed then sit around for a bi****ching the news and all.
Do you snore?No I dont wife says I havent since surgery so that is good
What obsession/addiction do you have and spend money on daily that is not needed? sugar free NO FEAR they have twice as much in em as red bull for the same price lol. I love em gotta have em.
Tubby, sometimes middle of the morning, or in late afternoon after exercise (when I exercise).
Definately morning person, but do stay up late working and don't mind.
Get up around 4:30 or 5:00 and work about an hour before getting everybody else goin around 6:15.
Snore a little with this cold I have, otherwise not anymore.
can't think of any other than extra food sometimes, red bull every other day or so... D.