need advice on what to eat...
Hey yall!
I was just wondering if anyone could give me advice on how I am eating. I never got any structured plan on how to eat once I started solid foods, but my doctor did tell me to eat a wide variety of food. Protien is important, but he also told me to eat lots of fruit and veggies as well. Here is a typical day for me (my dietitian sucked!!)
breakfast 7:00am 1/2 south beach diet protien peanut butter bar
snack 9:00 am 1 serving of sugar free pudding
lunch: 1/2 cup of brocolli and chicken noodles with 2 small chicken fingers (usually don't eat all of that)
snack:2:30pm handful of white grapes
supper:5:30pm 2oz of steak,or some other meat and maybe 1/4 cup of veggies.
before bed: maybe 3or 4 ff chips or a sf popscicle I take that so my vitamans wont upset my tummy.
I usually drink sugar free koolaid or water with my meals and snacks.
For some reason, my scale is stuck... I know plateaus are normal, but I just wanted to ask the rest of yall if you eat like I do or maybe what your dietians told you to eat. Am I snacking too much? Usually I end up eating around 700 calories a day. I know yall think im a worry wart, but the dietitan I had wouldn't return my phone calls and finally i just said **** on this! (pardon the language)So I just need some advice.

For the life of me I cannot remember when your surgery was... End of Jan or first of Feb??
I suggest - Refried beans, chicken chili, boiled eggs, beef jerky and cheese... stuff full of protein. You are still pretty early out and need as much protein as you can possibly get.
Your eating looks fine to me. Plateaus are normal. I had one at 3 weeks and then another at 3 mos and that continued. You are doing great.
Also, your body is in starvation mode if you are only getting 700 calories and will try to hold on to what you got. Per my nutritionist and everyone is so different - you need to at least have 800-850 to continue to lose quickly.
Minimum: (600-800 Calories) Protein 42G - Fat 15G - Carbs 60G
Optimal: (1200 Calories) Protein 60G - Fat 50G - Carbs 120G
Maximum: (1600 Calories) Protein 80G - Fat 65G - Carbs 200G
This is what mine gave me at 4 mos. Said I should be at Optimal.
Minimum is starvation mode - you will lose but not quickly
Optimal is for continued weight loss at a faster speed
Maximum is for maintaining
Definitely more protein
try adding some peanut butter with apple or cheese for snack. I am drinking no sugar added instant breakfast like hot choclolate and that has like 12 proteins because of the milk. I even add a dollup of ff low sugar dreamwhip on mine. If you tolerate milk add that in between meals and with snacks. It adds up. A cup of milk is 8 proteins I think.
I don't do everything I should but I can tell you how to do it.!!ha
I need more fluids!! I need more fluids!! I know that. I stayed the same for 2 months and have finally dropped 5 pds at almost 1 year out.
Your diet sounds good and you are definietly not eating too much.
Take care
PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTIEN!!!!! DID i mention PROTEIN? LOL I ate and still do eat lots of eggs , i can't do them first thing in the am , so i usually do a protein shake for breakfast or a slice of sugar free wheat toast with peanut butter. I will eat a omlet or a breakfast style burrito for lunch on a low carb wrap of course. I also eat lots of tuna and mixed salad greens the greener the leaf the better it is for you iceburg lettuce is a waste of time you get nothing from it. I also eat lots of refried beans and cheese, and i do 2 boneless skinless chicken tenderloins baked with alot of pace pincate sauce on them and then a little cheese melted on top this is yummy !! When i eat out i usually get chicken of beef fajatias i just hold the wraps and just eat the skillet. Shrimp, crab legs , baked fish of all kinds with lots of lemon for me! Like you said protein first , then veggies and fruit.I myself dont eat enough fruit i did but half a nanna in my shake this am , i have been having leg cramps hope that the potassium will help. I will start doing the "what did you eat today" post again today, weither this folks like it or not! Start posting your food and we can try to help you if we see you are not being good! LOL I do much better when i post my food for the day , so ya'll get ready i will be back tonight with my post! LOL
Hey girlie girl!! You are totally motivating me to go to the gym! I walk everyday, but I am wanting to lift some weights, not to get big or bulky, but just to tone and firm up. Nobody wants a saggy butt! He he! I was afraid I was eating too much, but I see what you and everyone else eats and I dont feel so guilty anymore. I do think I have been eating to many bad carbs. Like when I eat a sandwich I can only eat 1 piece of bread with some turkey folded up. That's my sandwitch and I cant eat all that either! Ive been eating white bread too I know thats a no no.
Well tootles chick.
Talk to ya later
YEP YEP YEP GET in that GYM GIRL !!! I LOVE IT !! I feel so good about what im doing now, after going and exercising it makes it easier for me to make better food choices , i dont want to screw up all that hard work that i just done. Although , Im alot hungeryer now that im working my big BUTT off, Im making good choices( for the most part LOL) ! My PT calls me "The Mule" HAHA She said im stubborn in a good way if i cant do something i dont stop or give up until i got it, I keep on going and going and dont stop! She says that i wear her tiny little size 0 self out! I think she lieing though! haha Oh on the WT training yhea Im the same way i dont want to get big and bulky , heck im already big and bulky! hehe What you want is to build up your core muscles and sculpt your body. You want to build lean muscle mass and loose the fat . My PT says if you do that you CAN make youo skin regain its elasticity(SP) and loose that saggy skin by replaceing it with lean muscle.
I dont know if i truely belive that i wont need a tummy tuck, but she says I wont! I gave her 6 mos to prove it , she says thats all she needs! LOL I can already see a huge differance in my body And my saggy skin is getting better! Oh and DH says im getting a HUMP LoL Thats a GOOD thing for me I have always had a FLAT pancake tail!!
The one thing that i never ever eat is white bread , it hurts my tummy ! I rarely eat a sandwich if i do its one whole wheat and only half a slice , ui cant do 2 either.