Ya'll should have been there last night! Our dear Psychodoc did a tremendous job of explaining what life is like emotionally after WLS!! We also got to see his gorgeous wifey, April, aka the former Raisinette! You really missed it! I got some pictures and will post them when I get the roll done (Yep, I have asked for a simple-minded digital camera for my birthday!).
And a special hello to a few lurkers we met last night - David, Martha, Debra and the pretty lady from Vicksburg with her Mom whose name slipped out my left ear! Now, QUIT LURKING and come out and play with us!!!
PS the gist of Psychodoc's talk was "There is no right or wrong way to feel emotionally after WLS." And ya'll he is cuter than a button!!! with his little bald head and red beard - you know how I am about bald and red-heads!!!!!

Hey Queen
I can say he is looker. I was impressed with him after meeting at a UMC appt one day. He is so warm and sweet. First meeting and we got a hug. I love me some huggers!!!
I have been down and out this weekend. Started hurting Sat morn early and ended up getting a shot at 11 am for kidney stones. Didn't help for long and suffered until 11:30 Sun night. I passed a rather large stone--no deliverd it. I had taken so much Lortab until I didn't know which way was up. Thank God I feel better. Just weak from the pain and meds.
I miss you. I hope to get with you soon. I have a very busy March and first of April. Hopefully we will slow down after Tommy's revival in Picayune. It is the 1st week in April. He is in revival at Tylertown this week. Night only.
Hope you are well. And Jim too. How is he?? Talk more soon.
I wish I could have stayed for the whole meeting. I was 5 minutes late for work, but they will get over it. I really enjoyed the part I got to hear. I really enjoyed meeting Arlies and Joyce. I hope the next meeting is my night off. I felt so bad having to leave in the middle of the talk. I felt like a bull in china shop. I made so much noise leaving. I will sit in the back by the door if I have to work that night. It felt so warm to be greeted by such wonderful people that understand the weight problem. Thank you for making me part of your community.
P.S. Are the meetings a regular thing every month?