Half Ton Man documentary
ALOT of people are non understanding of the surgery because most of what you hear is the negative on it. They want people to think that most of us return to that bad lifestyle. I am and have been trying since I had this surgery to retrain my mind. I succeed sometimes and sometimes I fail but I know before i put a peice of cake in my mouth what it could do. I weight myself daily and will continue to do that for the rest of my life.
All we can do is get out there and be our own WLS advocates and put the positive spin on it. I dont offer all this info to strangers on the street but I will talk about it to whoever I think will listen.
It is something I am very proud that I had done and it changed my life and views forever. If I have brocolli sitting in front of me and mac and cheese I am more likely to choose the brocolli instead of the mac and cheese but it just depends on the day. I do sometimes turn to food as a comfort but not near as much as I did pre-op.
Lets all get out there and show the positives on this surgery. One day someone out there will hear us and maybe then we can show what the truly happy and successful ones who do right are like.
I wish I had known that documentary was on. I would have loved to have watched it.
It usually comes on more than once . It's been on several times. I'm a chanel surfer.....lol...lol.... and i catch reruns of it .and im not being judgemental toward anyone i mean at least im not trying to be. We are not suppose to judge. But all the people that they portrayed on this documentary was all the negative .I also saw one just the other nite were this 16 year old boy had the surgery. The insurance would not pay for it but a surgical weight loss center got wind of his story and they covered everything. He lost 110 pounds in 10 months. He did so good. So that was one of the positive shows i saw on the surgery but they did not focus as much on the surgery as much as they did on the changes in his life after the weight loss and how he changed his way of eating and that kinda thing. I only told a handful of people that im even having the surgery. I did not even tell my parents til it got closer to time to get a date becuase i had mentioned it to my mother and all she would say was please don't have that surgery its soo dangerous. well any surgery has its risks. so i don't talk to just anyone about it either. but i know it will be the best decision i ever made for ME and my family.
I think I saw that 16 year old boy on MTV one time.
It is a tough decision to make and should not be taken lightly. Also they say the heavier you are the more risky it is. I did a lot of praying and had total peace about it morning of my surgery. I was willing to take that chance at having a better life. And-- I am...
I saw the show on the 750lb man who eventually died from being bed ridden. It was so sad but I was releaved for him to get out of his misery. I have noticed, anybody I mention WLS to always makes this face like
"you better think about that!" Then they start naming off all the people who they know or have heard of who did it and died or were sick for months and months, lost their jobs, are deformed from skin...they just start telling me all the negative. What's up with that?? No one would tell someone having heart bypass "OH no, don't do it, you will die or be gross afterwards" I'm starting to rethink the whole being honest about it thing.

People think its the easy way. They only remember hearing negative and dont remember the positive (if they ever heard any)... Not many people knew people who had this surgery. I only knew 1 person who had this surgery before I started researching and she had it 15 years ago and gained every bit of her weight back. Of course that is bad publicity but things have changed since then - the surgery itself is different.
I have skin - I dont feel deformed at all - I feel self conscious sometimes but dont we all at some point in our lives feel self conscious about something to do with our bodies?
Be honest girl - shout it from the roof top and next time someone tries to talk you out of it - tell them, "When you are in my shoes and when you qualify for this surgery -then we can talk about it".. Surround yourself with positive energy and positive thinking. We all know the risks - read read read... Be comfortable and know everything there is to know about it.
Hey there!
I saw that show, and if its the same one Im thinking about, they had to remove a wall in his home to get him out. He did have a bad attitude because if I remeber correctly, he said "If you tell me I can't have something (food) i will rip you to shreds!" I was like 'Geez fella, your gonna die if you don't change what you eat!" WLS does help you, but you have to help yourself by eating what you are supposed to. I wouldn't want to live like that, I would do what ever it took to become normal and not morbidly obese.
I will tell you from my experience WLS has saved my life, I haven't been at the weight I am in 10 years! I've lost 86 pounds, and without the WLS I couldn't have done it.
I agree, WLS can save lives, and the media should not put such a negative image on it. They should show normal people like you and me going through the weight loss surgery.
The only thing I can think of is they are doing it for the ratings, you know TV, a good friend of mine went on the Maurie Povich show, she lost over a hundred pounds, and she went on the show and told her story. Maury has some wild stuff on his show, but I have to respect him for wanting to educate people about WLS.
I didn't see the documentary, but I do understand how everyone feels. There is so much negativity out there regarding WLS. My surgery date is only a couple of weeks away and I have only told a couple of people I work with about it and have asked them not to say anything. I just don't want to hear or feel the negative vibes of others. Seeing how well all of ya'll have done only encourages me to move forward in my quest for a healthier life.