Todays Inspiration
Every change in our life requires a change in our thinking. God regularly teaches us new ways to think, because we cannot act differently if we don't think differently.
For a believer, worry is not normal. Confusion is not normal.
Negative thinking is another type of thinking in which a person should not indulge.
The Lord has shown me that when we think hateful, mean, judgmental thoughts about people, not only can we injure them, but also judgmental, resentful, unforgiving thought patterns can cause us great harm.
We have an opportunity to think creative, loving thoughts about people and to pray positive, faith-filled prayers.
Woke up this morning at 3am with a lot of confusion and anxiety. Turned on the TV and Joyce Meyer was on. I dont know if I like her or not but I did go to her website and got todays inspiration. It was perfect for me so I thought I would pass it on.
Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
PS... I have washed two loads of clothes, swept and mopped and took out the garbage and its not even 5am... GO ME GO ME GO ME!!
EXCELLENT INSPIRATION!!! Like you and Tomanip, I am not real certain about Joyce Meyer, but I do agree that this is a great inspirational note for the day! The main part we need to remember is that God is the one who gets revenge and we don't have to worry about it, but the negativity harms US more than the other person!
GO CHRISTINE GO!!! come on up here and do my house next, I got company coming this weekend!!!!