Remember Me?
You all gave me so much support Dec 6th when I had my surgery in Ypsilanti Michigan, so here is an update. Did great on surgery no problems but 4 wks out my Mom's cancer got worse and she was on hospice care so I decided to come back home to be with her, she died on Feb, 22nd and its been so hard with this and my new lifestyle of eating. To date I have lost from 286 to 229lbs. Its weird to be happy and sad at the same time.

I remember you!!! I am glad you have done so well on your weight loss - especially thru this very difficult time. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and want you to know you are in my prayers. PLEASE keep us posted about your progress and feel free to whine, cry or rejoice with us! Hang in there, girlie, life will get better!