GRRRRRRR Im haveing a bad day need to vent!
Just remember that this scrawny little girl will wake up one morning weighing over 300 lbs and NOT be able to get the weight off. People tend to wind up eating their words....It's called "what goes round comes round!" NEVER,NEVER make negative comments like this to folks cause I warn you ONE DAY YOU WILL REGRET IT! And she will, trust me!!! (See today's Proverb)....I love you and you are doing great!! Hang in there!!

I want in the Kick her @$$ group!!!
I'm so tired of insensitive comments today. So, this really burned me too!
I think I would have just looked at her and said... "Hmmm, sounds like you need to be a little more educated on WLS".
That would shut her up - or start a good debate!
Maybe you could keep a few brochures in your bag, and next time you see her, just hand them to her. LOL Tell her it's for her "studies".
I'm really proud of you for NOT slapping her right there on the spot! You hang in there! Looks like a lot of us have your back!