GRRRRRRR Im haveing a bad day need to vent!
Ok How do ya'll deal with people and there negative comments about WLS? Went to the gym today and after class we weighed like we do every monday , I lost 2 more lbs this week , BTW! I have told a few of the girls there about my surgery and one made the comment ", you are doing so good girl, how much have you lost all together now? " SO i told her and this other girl wanted to know how i had lost that much wt. I told her im not asshamed of my surgery at all! Now this little 120lb girl just found out last week that she got accepted to medical school, so i guess she thinks that means she already knows it all! LOL She asked me "SO where you over 300lbs?" Im like NO , but I would have been shortly if i hadn't of had the surgery! She kinda turned up her little nose at me and said " WELL i dont think that DRs should do WLS on anybody unless thay are over 300lbs and are on there death bed!"" they should get up and exercise and eat right and they can loose it themselves!" GRRRRR I was kinda hurt by her comments, but ya'll that KNOW me know that i just kindda smiled and Didnt say a thing in my defence! I didnt think that it botherd me that much until i got home, i cant get it off my mind now, Im eatting and stressing out over her stupid comments, PLEASE make me stop! I usually dont let ANYTHING bother me but i had to stop takeing my cymbalta this weekend cause it was giving me a horriable ra****rying to get me some new happy drugs as we speek! LOL
I hope i made since if not please over look this post! HAHA
OMG! you have to just chalk that up to young ignorance. There are some people out there who will never understand, it's their loss for not caring about other people. Shallow minded too. I know how you feel though cause I debated if I should even mention I was trying to have WLS just because people who have never had a weight issue think if your fat, your lazy. So not true! Anyway, breath and be extra nice to her and she will feel bad about herself for what she said. sweet revenge
BTW, I couldn't take Cymbalta either - it was aweful but Welbutrin XL works wonders for me.

Thanks Jereni, I Feel better already just after telling ya'll about it!Haha Im sure i over reacted a little anyway ! I just went and picked up my new Rx for lexapro , i hope it makes me feel as good as the cymbalta did i loved it , except it made me look like a lepor! haha I took Welbutrin Xl before also , it made my moods worse a long with a few other side affects that i didnt appreciate, nor did my DH !haha
Hey well ya know.. when I come visit you this summer, you bring me along with you to that meatmarket (gym) and show me that hussy ok??
I got a few choice words for her, the ones you WANTED to use on her and were too sweet to say . Cuz you know I don't have no shame and say what I feel he he he
Geeeeeez. I just really despise ignorance. Just another sign of typical uneducated morons out there who think they know it all. It's no wonder everyone looks down on obese people. It's JUST that kinda attitude! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!! Now stop stressing and get on that treadmill
So how's your Lexapro? I love mine

hey girl, you said she weighed120 pounds? well she doesnt know what its like to be that way, I wouldnt worry about her stupid butt, you know the old saying 'ignorance is bliss'. Maybe someone should make her wear one of those fat suits out in public and she would see what its like to be overweight and she' d no doubt change her tune.
hey girl Im much better today , i dont care what she said anymore! I havent takeing my Lexapro , yet im scared if it im afraid that it will be like that durn prozac and make me want to eat up the world!Does it do you that way? I LOVED the Cymbalta i didnt want to eat , Im very sad that I had a reaction to it, i was tempted to keep takeing the stuff until my mom and sister told me that it might make me go into antifalatic(sp) shock! LOL That dont sound like much fun! Do you take yours in the am or pm? Elon(shes a phyco practioner) told me thats its differant for everyone that takes it , so i dont know what to do!
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Hunny
I just take mine in the morning along with my ( again ! ) Claritin. Florida climate is kickin' my behind, my sinuses are just going nuts and I can't spend another week at home, just can't afford it LOL
So yeah but the Lexapro helps me a lot. Before I started taking it, I was really emotional for a while , blowing up for really stupid reasons and that just WASNT like me.
I dont see Lexapro making any difference about what I'm eating. You know me, I won't deprive myself if I want something. I just have to take one day at a time with the whole eating thing. I know that I'm really needing to get back on track but the next six months without a hubby home ( well, he leaves in April ) won't be as bad.
I'll have time to do things without having to make time for the hubby
( this sounds bad, but it isn't meant that way ). When he's home, we go places to eat and we 're usually doing stuff all day on our weekends, where when he's not home, I have time to do ME - stuff, like going for walks, exercising, and NOT eating out constantly. I do well when I'm alone, just get way too tempted when he's home, to eat at restaurants and eat all the no-no's. *sigh* So anyways.. Girl, it's only TUESDAY and I'm sooooooooo ready for a day off.. ugh... hope to talk to you maybe tonight. You know where to find me.
Luvzya and MISS U!!!
Next time, smile and say, oh I don't recall asking for your opinion!! Then tell her if she really wants to pass judgement she should know all of the requirements of having WLS, it is not something they just do on anyone that wants it. You had to have a risk or they would not have performed it on you. You need to learn to ignore people like that, want me to go kick her @ss?? LOL... IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE, and get the he!! away from the food or I will come and kick your @ss!!
Love you girl! Call me sometime! Support group meeting is 27 Feb, you better be there!! Psycho doc will be speaking this month! I think we can all use him right about now!