Had a nice visit

Miss Liss
on 3/12/06 11:26 pm
Well, I went to Alabama to see my friend that has been so sick for the last three years. The first 4 years after her RNY were good, but the last 3 have been really bad and painful. But at least they know what is wrong with her now as I told you all in an earlier post. She has decided to have the surgery as her colon is now blocked. I don't know when it is yet but please keep her and her family in your prayers. She has four children that need her and love her and her husband is scared to death. The surgery is dangerous and risky, but she really has no choice but to have it now with the colon situation that has come up. We had a really nice visit and I enjoyed seeing her. She had a good weekend and we were able to do alot while I was there. She does look sick and now is really swollen from the steroids. She has gained 30 pounds since being on the steroid treatments which they want her to gain weight as after the surgery it will be like starting over with the liquids, to pureeds to soft foods and so on. She will lose like in the beginning. She had lost her weight and kept it off so they wanted her to gain some before the surgery so she would have some to lose and not get too thin. Well, I will update you guys as I learn the details. I told her I had some really good, special people praying for her. Thanks, guys! Melissa
on 3/12/06 11:34 pm - Biloxi, MS
I am glad you got to visit with her and that you two enjoyed your time together. I pray that she comes through the surgery with flying colors and that she is able to begin her life again with no pain. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers as well. Love ya! Rhonda
Miss Liss
on 3/12/06 11:52 pm
Thanks, I do need the prayers too. She has been my friend for many years. We have gone through two pregnancies together. We had our boys 4 days apart and our little ones are 3 months apart. We have done every diet and diet pill known to man together. I hated to leave because it was like part of me couldn't help but be negative like that would be the last time I saw her. I know I need to be positive but I guess it is because she is so far away now that I can't help but think that way just a little. Plus, she didn't look like herself. I could tell she was sick and hurting. But she is really positive and has a good attitude. She is scared but trusting the Lord. So, that is good. Melissa
on 3/13/06 12:26 am - Milton,, FL
Melissa, Prayers for your friend, her family and you are being said. Tomanip
Arlies Q
on 3/13/06 2:32 am - Brandon, MS
Prayers for your friend and you too, pretty girl! Smoochies Arlies
Cheryl Lee
on 3/13/06 12:26 pm - Brookhaven, MS
I will be praying for you both!
on 3/13/06 6:53 pm - Hattiesburg, MS
Glad you had a great time. I missed you terribly. Dont ever leave me for a weekend again...
Miss Liss
on 3/13/06 9:51 pm
You will just have to pack it up and go with me next time. The three of us would have fun. Melissa
on 3/14/06 12:53 pm - Madison, MS
Melissa, Please keep us posted on this situation. I'm still praying for her and the family....and you. It's hard. I grew up with a mother with Chrones disease, so I'm quite familiar with the problems that can come up with intestinal things. After a little research, I understood better what your friend is going through. It is a tough road, and one I pray is the way "we" want it to be. I'm just sure things will go well, and God will guide her surgeons hands. She sounds like a very strong, "healthy", person, with alot to fight for. A mother's determination can never be underestimated! Send her our love and tell her we are praying for her. HUGS Kimberly
Miss Liss
on 3/14/06 10:13 pm
She is definitely determined for sure. That is what keeps me positive. That and the fact that her faith is strong. I too know all about intestinal problems and how dangerous they can be. My sister has Crohn's Disease. And she fights it whenever it is flared up. Luckily she has been in a remission type state for a little while. Her pyloric valve closed again a couple of weeks ago though. So they went in and ballooned it back open on Monday and did an endoscope and colonoscopy to check everything else and said it all still looked good. Still has some ulcerations in one part of the intestines but no surgery needed yet anyway. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Melissa
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