Hey Queenie!!!!! GranJan, Rebecca!!!!!
Could we plan a July get-togather and clothes swap? Maybe around the 15th? It is a Saturday, or during the week since the kids are out of school? I also want to go to some of the support meetings during the summer in Jackson or Hattiesburg if someone will let me know the dates. When I come home, the only internet access I will have will be the public library, since you need a contract to have internet at home, and I don't have a fixed line phone at home anymore. Kept one for years, but the phone company changed their charges (went up) even when the phone is on "vacation" and want to charge a fee to turn it off and then another to turn it on.....
I really hate the phone company, so complicated to do anything now. But maybe I will just pay for the fixed line in order to be able to phone folks, is there a cheaper company who gives service for the Brookhaven area?
We have a lot of pretty good restaurants in McComb and Brookhaven. The Western Sizzlin in Brookhaven has a good buffet with lots of choices and the food is reasonable, they also have a meeting room that they do not charge for, that we could probably use......It is just off of the I-55 exit. I could get someone to book it if there is interest in getting togather. We could even have a "fashion show" if anyone is interested.
There is plenty space in the meeting room for the kids to play and the staff there is really nice and do not hurry you at all.....
Or, if the majority want to go somewhere else, let me know. I will be coming in on June 30, I have my 40 year class reunion on July 1st!!!!

Don't you think that Sizzlin would be a good place? It is nice and cool and a large room and the staff there are so nice and will not charge us for use of the room. The food is cheap enough, and lots of variety to choose from for all us who have different eating needs. I was thinking that July 15th would be a good date, and they are not usually busy at Sat lunch. Any other suggestions?
Yep - just call me Lurkin' Rebecca! hehe
Sounds great to me. Just keep reminding me cause my reminder malfunctions sometimes! I've been into salads lately and their salad bar (from what I remember) is really good.
GranJan - been trying to call you!! You've had me worried! I have to babysit all week (unless things change), so I'll call when I get the chance.
I knew you would read the post! LOL! The salad bar at Sizzlin is really wonderful and they have lots of fresh veggies too. There is soft ice cream for the kids, but a no no for us..... They also have soup, and broiled meats and lots of stuff. Although I can't eat much, it does taste good, and the room is a nice size for meetings and best of all "FREE"!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing you!!!
Marking my calendar!!!
We switched phone companies to Vontage - $24.95 a month LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE and nowhere in the STATE of Mississippi is long distance! BUT you must have cable internet to go with it! We cut BellSouth loose with $50+ a month JUST FOR LOCAL!!! I can sympathize!
How long will you be home for the summer? Can we have SEVERAL get-togethers? Maybe one in Brookhaven, one in Jackson area, one in H'burg area and one anywhere else - like in Oxford, you NOrth Mississippi folks!!!!That way we'd get to see bout everybody, if'n we make them lunches and spread them around!

Sounds great to me!!!! I will try Vontage, I wouldnt mind having a phone on down at the house all the time, but Bell South was such a pain about it that after 5 years of paying every month, I just decided to have it cut off. But Vontage sounds good......
I will be home from July 1st until about the second week in August. Dont know the exact date since havent booked the air tickets yet, but I am free to roll on any date!!!
Thought that Brookhaven would be a good meeting place since it is an equal drive from Hattiesburg, Jackson and other places in So Ms. Only an hour at the most except for North MS. But we could try to do something up there too!