Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Angel Childers of Gulfport, MS will be having Lap Band Surgery in Tijuana on Mar 14,06. Angel does not have a profile, but has posted a couple of times on the just post your well wishes for her under this post!
Angel! Congratulations! I hope and pray that all goes well with your surgery. PLEASE let us know how things go. I pray that God will hold your surgeon's hands and guide him thru this and will hold you close to His chest during your surgery and recovery. Love ya, Arlies

Thanks everyone, I guess I am a lurker because I joined this board over a year ago while I was trying to get RNY surgery done in Jackson but my insurance wouldnt pay for it and Vocational REhab said Yes but then Katrina hit and they say they have completely abandoned that program, but who knows..anyway I have opted for the lapband in TJ as a alternative I can afford after losing everything in Katrina but my but I see that most of the Ms group has had the RNY..I hope I have some success with the Lapband ...
THanks again...
Arlies, I appologize that I didnt get that info to you before I left but I have just returned from Mexico and am the proud owner of a new lap band or actually I think it now owns Had a few complications but now I think all is on a road for better days and I cant wait..THANKS to all for the thoughts and comfort during this time..YOU ALL ARE WONDERFUL.