Got a date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everybody,
I just wanted to update. I GOT A DATE!!!!!!!! Well my surgery is on March 27th I know that is only a few weeks away..yuwhooooo.......
I went to see dr on thurs the 9th and spent allllllll daaayyyyyyyyy over there. i was so tired when we finally got through.. Sooo muchhhhhh information. I have to have the scope done and pre admissions testing done on march the 16th. I think that is next thursay. it's all happening soo fast.. I'm horrified and excited and anxious all at the same time. I hope that is normal.... OH and on top of all this excitement i get home get my boys from my moms and we go home they do homework and then they want to ride the dirt bikes.. so its not a problem i let them like i always do but guess what happens today. my 10 year old comes in crying and he told me that he and his brother both have had a wreck on the bikes... my heart drops... my other child is 14 SOOOOOOOOOO i go running outside to see what is going on and the 10 year old's arm is swollen so bad it scared me the 14 yr old is complaining with his hand so ( oh and husband is not home from work yet....) I call him and tell him to meet us at ER at Rankin Medical Center ... we get over there we can not get in... SOooooooo we go to the nearest MEA clinic... they both have to have allllll these x-rays... Dr was real concerned with my little ones arm because of the swelling and the blackness yes it has already started to bruise at this point.... im sorry to shorten my story they both are ok just bruised up and really sore Zach the oldest has his hand wrapped because he tore some ligiments... his knee is bruised and Austin my youngest has his arm in a sling and wrapped as well his hip is badly bruised and his knee. they both have look like they got beat up. But they both had their helmets on and the dr checked them from head to toe. i just hope when the swelling goes down in austins arm they don't find that he actually has a broken arm. but she said to bring him back next week and to keep an eye on it. use lots of ice ... Well I don't know if any of that made any sense or not but I just had to update and tell yall bout my surgery date and my bad news bout my kids...... (they really seem to be doing ok. just really sore... ) well love yall and will talk back at cha later.... :-0 that was a tonya
The boys said they ran into eachother. head on. threw both of them from the bikes. i think zach kinda prepared himself cause he was not hurt as bad as austin.

CONGRATS ON YOUR DATE!!!! I will try my best to be there the day of your surgery....I know you have appts next week, but with it spring break and the big boy home, I may be really busy, but call me 601-914-2921 when you are in Jackson and maybe we can get together! I know you are so thrilled and so excited!!! Me too!!!
As for the Junior Evel Knievel's, tell them I will be glad just to run them over in my truck so that we don't have to worry about them anymore!!! HOW CAN THEY HIT EACH OTHER HEAD ON?????????? I know, I know - they are kids and BOYS at that! Hope that they are back in tiptop shape soon and maybe this will make them a tad more cautious! I know it will MOM!!!!

Congrats on finally getting a date! Hopefully, I won't be too far behind you. I haven't even gotten my approval letter from the insurance company ( just got the approval over the phone) and I have already finished all my blood tests, x-rays, ekg, and psych evaluation. I'm just waiting for all the doctors to send the stuff in to CMMC. So, maybe I'll just be a few weeks behind you. It's so exciting to know that we'll be new women by Christmas. I'm curious to know what all you had to do on the 9th.
Thanks you guys u all r sooooo sweettttttt and supportive. and Arlies i will prolly be calling you real soon.... and about my little evil keneivls... they are doing much better austin is starting to use his arm again so that is a good sign that it may not be broken after all... thanks for all of yall's support...... hugs to all of ya's love tonya