Our vacation is next week
So much for a mini vacation ( my def. of a mini vacation is one not too far from home & lasting 2-3 days or less). I thought we'd spend 2-3 days away, but DH has other plans. My idea was go somewhere & stay there, but he wants to visit a few places. So we'll be on the road more than what I wanted. Do you know how much nerve medication this will take ???? lol j/k! I'll be wishing I had nerve meds. When we get in the car to go anywhere, the girls fight, argue, pinch, scratch, push , etc. They drive me nuts!!!! I'll need a vacation after the vacation. Anyway, we are going to go to Vicksburg Mar. 13 & leave Mar. 15, we're going to Biloxi Mar. 15 (I tried for Gulfport like Rhonda suggested but got something in Biloxi)& leaving the 16th to go to Gulf Shores & leaving Gulf Shores Mar 18. Hate to be a grudge but still have thoughts of our little get away last July when we flew to meet my best friend in Las Vegas for 4 days (2 of which was spent flying). I normally wouldn't go that far just to spend 2 days, but she's my best friend & I love her to death. I'd probably travel that far to visit with her for a day. She lives in Norway so although Las Vegas is far, it's a whole lot closer than Norway LOL. & I wanted her to meet my kids & DH so much. I can't wait till she comes for a visit ...hoping in 3-4 yrs. & I'm taking the kids & DH to Norway in a few years. It's beautiful!!! Anyway, Las VEgas trip (traveling part) was horrible. We got sick on the plane, the kids were being kids, I had a painful umbilical hernia & it was acting up. But I loved seeing my bf with my kids. They did lots of things together & the first day it was swimming. I cried while taking pics of them together. OK, so I'm babbling sorry! Just letting ya'll know I'll be gone Monday until the weekend. I'll probably be back before then but "take care" if I don't!
Hi. Arlies, If we stop in Jackson I will call. Which reminds me I was supose to go tomorrow to my 3 yr olds allergist appt. @ the UMMC medical mall. WHOOPS! I meant to cancel cuz It is a bad time. I'm still canceling...just didn't mean to wait so long.
Rhonda, give me your # & I'll call ya while we are in Biloxi. If you don't feel comfortable leaving it here, You can send it to [email protected].
Arlies, My pics are horible but give me an email addy & I'll try to get some to ya sometime...maybe after vacation though. THen I'll have new ones too
. I don't have any recent pics of me but here are some on my yahoo albums. They are mainly of my kids. They are all jumbled & out of order but they are pictures lol. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/miscs_99/my_photos
I'm going to my parents soon. Guess we'll ride out most of the storm there. Take care!