Glad to hear your doing better Queen. I am sorry that Jim is having so much trouble give him my best and I will keep him in my prayers. I hate to hear that about Tammy. I would be fit to kill if those orderelys dropped me in the floor. I wish I could do lunch I need a brake too but this Friday is already tied up. Samantha keeps me hopping with ballgames. Can't wait to get moved then I want have to drive so far for the "home" games. Glad to have you back.
Glad to see you are feeling better... I have been worried about you!
Friday I have a meeting at work that I have to be at ~ but if you guys decide to meet around 11am then I should be able to make it for lunch on Friday and still have time to get back to work for the meeting at 1pm. Just let me know what everyone decides to do and I will try my best to be there!