Well, I survived the dreaded 5 days in the recliner with my feet propped up over my head!!! Also survived the CAT scan/doppler on the leggies - no blood clots and all my veins were filling normal and looked good! I did my "hopefully get rid of my CPAP sleep study" Sunday night. Slept really good except I woke up about 1:30 and had to tickle and I called out for about an hour before they answered....mmm....where were they???? After they unhooked me and I tickled, I went STRAIGHT back to sleep. Didn't have to stay and nap or nuttin'. The news from the Doc today is: Good news is my potassium level is dead center of normal! 3.5 - 5.5 is normal....Mine is 4.5! Bad news is that one of my liver functions was up just a tad and I can no longer take tynelol for my arthritis.....also no aspirin and no that only leaves the hard stuff - narcotics family, which make me see very, very pretty things or the morphine family or other controlled substances - The Doc offered me a patch that contained a controlled substance and told me it was highly addictive. I declined it. If things get too bad, we will look into it, but I told her you don't give a complusive overeater something like that to replace her food addiction'd be asking for trouble. So I have to tough out the knee pain. But I am hoping that knee replacement is in sight..... And for every 2 hours that I sit up, my feet and legs must be elevated for 15 minutes - FOREVER.......
Now on to other subjects.....
1. I will catch up with the board as I can. I will prolly read most and not respond cause I am so far behind! But know that I will be catching up with you all.
2. Remember that Jim and I went to his doc and I tattled on him, but she didn't seem to put much stock in what I said? Well, the old boy is having some difficulties with swelling, getting out of breath really easy (walking DOWN a flight of stairs...DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS AND HE HAS TO SIT AND CATCH HIS BREATH!) Well, the nurse called after the blood work came back and they are gonna do a kidney ultrasound because his kidney functions show marked decrease, PLUS she said the doc wanted him off his high BP meds! His BP is running about 190/110 with the meds! Also the Doc wants an ECG done on I guess next time, we might listen to the one who lives with him....since the blood work is echoing a problem.....
3. I FINALLY talked to Johnny today. Tams is in Anderson's HOspital in Meridian. She may have a vitamin dificiency OR the shunt that she has at the base of her skull to drain an absess (put in when she was 15) MAY have collapsed....The Docs are divided on the problem. One wants to go to surgery IMMEDIATELY and fix the shunt...The other is hollering NO!!!!!!! IT'S A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY!!! PLUS yesterday, Tams needed to go potty and they sent two orderlies in to help her to the potty chair....she can't stand up or even sit up on the side of the bed....and can barely hold her head up....BUT they were gonna help her to the potty....and, you guessed it.....They dropped her in the middle of the floor....
4. Now I need a play day....Who is up for lunch in Jackson on, say, Friday, somewhere, anywhere, anytime?....I need a rejuvenation before I have to kill Tams and Jim since they won't behave and get well on their own.......I am open to all offers....Just PLEASE NOT Fire MOuntain....I got sick there...... Lemme know....
5. Marci!!! I STILL got clothes....can you please come Friday to our luncheon or can we meet up somewhere, sometime soon?
Well, hip hip hurrah! For someone I've never met you sure inspire much prayer and worry!
I would love to meet for lunch sometime but I work and I fear they aren't too sympathetic towards the need for get togethers. darn it!
Fire Mountain sucks. Alot! For the money I have to say Up the Creek is better.
I am so very much looking forward to meeting you! I'm glad you are better.
I have been so worried about you! Please email me your home #, all I have is your cell phone and you obviously don't get your messages or something on that thing cause I have called you a couple of times!
I want to talk to you SOOOOOONNNNNN, so either email me your number or call me at home, I will be home tomorrow, I have midterms and will be studying in the morning and testing in the afternoon.
I am glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the info on Tammy, I hope she gets better really soon. Please give Jim a big hug and kiss from me and tell him to hang in there and be sure that he does exactly what the doctor tells him to do!
Love you!
Hello, your highness. Glad you are back. We missed you. And we even behaved while you were gone. No fighting.
Give Jim a big ole get well hug and tell him he better follow doctors orders so he can be around for the queen for many many more years.
Keep us posted on everyone. Give Tams my best. I hope she feels better really soon.
Girl, I have been so worried about you and about Jim too! I am very happy to hear about the good report on your legs!!!! I know several people who have had knee replacements, both knees, and now they can dance!!!! Tell Jim that he needs to be very careful and follow the doctors instructions, diabetes is such a bad disease and it is tricky. My dad had it so bad and finally his kidneys shut down and had to have dialysis. It is a terrible thing to go thru.
I wanna go to play too! In July???? I have clothes for you and anyone else who may need stuff, will get them togather when I come home!
Love ya,
WELCOME BACK MOMMA!! thankful that you're doing better....prayers are answered....cos you had a ton of folks praying for you what your doctor says....we all need you....will continue to pray for Jim....keep him on his toes..and Tammy too....she's been on my mind....Luv ya!!....LORI
Whew - what a ride! I'm exhausted after reading that!
I'm so glad you are back, and doing well! Keep us posted on Jim, both of you are in my prayers.
Friday is Olivia's Birthday! She'll be two! Can we come to lunch and celebrate too?
Give me a call if'n ya want to, and I'll get some other folks on board.
Who's been off-board for a while too because of the yucky flu-like stuff. ;-(
It's also Kim Shivers B-day, but she'll be outta town.