Im new around here
Hi everyone, My name is Missie. I am from Meridian, Ms well we are currently living there while my hsuband is stationed here with the Navy. I am in the process of getting my referral and start looking for a doctor. I have been thinking of having this surgery for probably three years now but this is the closest i have ever came. Is there any advice that anyone can give me? The dr. that I went to on base to write up my referral i think he was trying to scare me by saying "oh you have the chance of not being able to take care of your kids" and " oh you wil have to have iron shots for the rest of your life" I know thas his job to inform me but I dont think he did a very good job of doin git. But thats besides the point never imind that is there anything else that yall can tell me. I have been reading alot on drs lately and i ahve heard LOTS of good things about Micheal King from OXford I was just wondering if anyone has had him. Thanks Missie
Hey Missie,
Im Tonya I live in Forest which is about 45 mins from you. Glad u stopped in. Now from my experience i am now going through the motions of getting ready to have this surgery. I am using Dr. Erin Cummins with Central Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. They have a seminar that you attend which lasts about an hour. Then if you have made up your mind that this is what you want to do you make an app. to see the nurse practioner then they check with your insurance to see if they will pay for it. ( mine will and i have been approved United Healthcare). Then they want you to see a primary care physcian to have a number of test run to make sure you r in good health to have the surgery. The pcp will send a release letter to the dr that you choose ( there are 3 in this office whom all have very good reputations) Then you have to have a physc evaluation to make sure ur mentally ready then you see a nutrionists to help you make the changes in your diet. But its worth the wait. I went to the seminar back in Dec 5th 05 and im just now to the seeing the physcolgist. Well sorry to ramble. I have heard that Dr King is good but if you want to look around like in the jackson area check out CCMC that is where im goin to go have mine. I have lots of co workers that have gone there and have had lots of success with it. If you would like to email me my email is [email protected] Im not sure what there website is rite off hand but i think you can get to it from this site.This is a fantastic site just slap full of support from everyone here. I wish you luck on your journey. and again welcome.... tonya
Thanks Sonya
Where did you go to have your surgery? If you dont mind me asking. Well my husband is in the Navy we will may be getting orders to go to Signella, Sicily so if I have to wait and do it there I will. Hope to talk to you soon. Where are you from if you dont mind me asking. My personal email is [email protected]. How long ago did you have yours and did you get sick or anything right after? I am sort of scared but I know in my heart that I will come out ok. I guess everyone gets a little scared at times when it comes to surgery. I know that there are risks, but honestly I feel that there are risks in everything that we do on a daily basis. Well hope to talk to you soon.
Lots of love and hope
Welcome to the board!!!! If you need help, support, or just someone to listen you have come to the right place. I am using one of the doctors out of Central Mississippi Medical Center. There are three of them Dr. Erin *******s, Dr. KEnneth Cleveland and Dr. Ferrogia. I haven't decided which one to use but I have spoken with Dr. Cleveland and was thoroughly impressed. I am a nurse and not often am I impressed with a doctor. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. Just a note, often times your primary physician does not have updated information and does not realize the changes that have taken place in WLS. Just take his response with a grain of salt and talk with your surgeon and go from there.
Thanks, I have wrote down Dr. Clevelands name I read alot about him. Plus with you being a nurse and telling me how impressed you were that makes me feel better. Like you said you dont find good drs that your impressed with all the time. I am still waiting on my referreal letter for our insurance company but as soon as I get it i will be calling a few drs and see what they all have to say. Thanks for the input. When are you having your surgery done?
Thanks yeah that makes it interesting when you find other new people to share the new welcome with. Where and when are you dong your surgery are you excited about it? i am very excited about it. I told my husband as soon as I get my letter im calling drs. I just cant wait. I am ready to start this new journey of my life. Cant wait to through all these clotes away that I cant wear now or wont wear then. Talk to you soon.