getting to know you Monday
Hello and how are you doing this beautiful night of Sunday February 12th? Most of you may read this on Monday so how is your Monday?
It is late Sunday night and we just got in. We have just built a fire in the fireplace(we have an insert so it heats our house up well) and I am waiting on it to get comfy. I can't sleep in this weather without a fire. I just can't lay in the bed. We need new windows in our house. They are not tight and air gets in around them. Anyway I have been miserable this weekend being cold. We went to the rodeo parade Sat am and I froze ladies and gentlemen. Froze literally. I finally went to the van.
Okay for some of my easy on the brain questions. I know I'm shallow.
1. What is your mom's maiden name and hometown? Clark and Seminary, MS
2. Did you buy something neat the last few days? I found myself the neatest bracelet at Cracker Barrel. It is a photo one that you down size your photos and it holds 6. I love it. It was only 20 bucks. I am crazy about pictures and my digital camera.
3. Did you buy new lingerie for heart day? I did buy some undies. Now I just gotta figure out which way they go on. Arlies can tell me I'm sure. She seems to share "info" even when I don't ask. lol
4. Do you send your parents an anniversary card? No. I am interested in your responses. My mom sends me one for mine but I never have helped her celebrate her and daddy's. I may be doing them wrong. Just thought it was between them two.
Hope you are well. I am okay. Just dread the normal Monday. Clean clean. We will hear from Jeremy's CT in the am hope fully by Monday lunch. I am so ready to hear the results.
Love ya bunches
1. What is your mom's maiden name and hometown? Mom's maiden name is Parker, hometown is Hahira, GA
2. Did you buy something neat the last few days? I bought myself a new business suit from JCPennies for our big court date next month with my husband's ex... It is by all means a "power" suit, looks really great on.
3. Did you buy new lingerie for heart day? Nope, am hoping that my DH will buy me some though..... I am interested to see what skimpy little thing he will pick out...
4. Do you send your parents an anniversary card? YES... Every year, I am so proud of my parents.. they have been married 42 years on June 5... My grandparents were married around 65 years before my grampy died.. I think it is so awesome to see people who have spent their entire lives together.. I hope that my hubby and I can celebrate 65 years together one day..
Jane, try not to clean too much.. no need to wear yourself out so early in the week!! I have a lot of calories to burn off today, I totally pigged out last night at the IP Casino Buffet.. But it was SOOOO good!! Talk to you soon,
The suit sounds really nice. I know you look good in it. Post us a date on that court date so we can especially pray over that.
Don't worry. I am just going to make a path and then clean on through the week. I have to clean every day to have a place to walk around here. My family is spoiled and where it is dropped it will lay. I know--I am bad. It is from my fat days and not caring. I would do it myself. My mom is old fashioned and serves my daddy hand and foot so that is what I do. Fix plates and the whole nine yards. I lay out all clothes and just about wipe everybody's butts around here. Ha Boy I am going on now.
Talk to you later.
Jane, I have to say, you are a much much much better wife and mother than I am.... I do not fix their plates and I do not pick up after them. They have to fin for themselves. Of course, if I did not have to work at a job and could be a housewife I think I would be more willing to do that kind of stuff. If we happen to be blessed and get custody of Jay's kids next month, then I will more than likely become a housewife. I will have four kids full time. Luckily they will all be in school, but I want to have the freedom to be very active in their lives. I want them all four to be active in sports and school related activities. It is important that they know they are loved and cared for. Right now, they are pretty much treated like grown ups and do not get to be kids... I don't care what anyone says, 13/14 is too young to date and way too young to be "engaged"... as my step daughter thinks she is. There is something really serious going on up there in the great state of NY that we need to handle. Our court date is March 24.. Jay and I will be flying up on March 23. Hopefully all will go well. If not, at least we will know that we tried our best to give the kids the life that they deserve.
1. What is your mom's maiden name and hometown? Jackson, Augusta GA
2. Did you buy something neat the last few days? I went shopping this weekend and hit the resale shops! I bought 19 items at one place, 17 at another and 3 at another! I had a BLAST!! It was all size 8!!!
Who'da thunk?!
3. Did you buy new lingerie for heart day? Well, I didn't really buy it for heart day, but I did get 2 new bras and a slew of new underwear this weekend. I finally through out my old stuff. I swear you could pull my old underwear up to my shoulders! NO LIE!! LMAO!!
4. Do you send your parents an anniversary card? I don't - but I should! I'm the worlds worst at cards! I make phone calls instead!
Be sure to let us know when those results get in! We are all anxiously waiting!
1. Cumbie and Grove Hill, AL
2. I bought a beautiful gown to wear to a Mardi Gras ball this Saturday night. And the best part is I got it on sale, 50% off.
3. Nope. But I did buy some new underwear recently because I had to. After the tummy tuck my old undies just didn't fit right anymore. And I got some pretty ones like I used to wear before my butt got big.
4. I send my parents anniversary cards, valentine's cards, and just thinking of you cards sometimes. But that is just how my family is. We like cards.
Have a good day!
1. moms madien name is Cochran, Hickory MS
2.I haven't bought anything in the past few days, I think i'm due a shopping spree!
3. I haven't bought any new lingrie in awhlie, i might today! LOL Or wait any see if Donnie will get me some! BTW JANE the string goes in the BACK!!!!!
4. No, i dont they haven't been married since i was 13!!!! My mom is remarried , but i haven't sent them one either!