Dr. Carson on TV
He's on Comcast Channel 6...Focus with Dean Wade...w/e that is...anyways thought that was kinda cool.
Sorry I haven't been around much....my whole family has been sick off and on with everything from the flu to the latest thing...my son just got over chicken pox. Been fun lol.
Anyways I'll post more later!
Girl, we bin missing you! So sorry to hear about all the illnesses....I remember the chicken pox days....Jon was THRILLED when he finally got them - he and Heather March were the last two at his daycare to get them! He LOVED muddy (aveno) baths! He was so proud when he came home and announced he had the chicken pox....Em on the other hand, lay on a pallet on the floor, buck nekkid, and did NOT want to be touched, but I HAD to sit still within her sight....She was the sickest little chickie I've ever seen with chicken pox.
Hope all are on the mend now!