Went to the Doc today
Hi All;
I went for my one month check up. It was quick and dirty. Hey how are you, increase exercise. They want to do some blood work to check and see how things are. I am able to do that here in Meridian. My question of the day is why is my hospital bill 58,588.00 and the doc bill 6,500.00???
p.s. I am doing great. I have spells of throwing up when I try new stuff and it doesn't agree with me. But nothing really terrible. I am down 36 lbs by his scales and 45 by mine. Mine is with nothing on first thing in the a.m. His are with clothes and after breakfast and water.
congrats on your visit! that's so encouraging....keep up the good work.
I think you'll find that the doctor bills "appear" higher (hospital, too) when you're able to file on insurance. it helps them 'recover' some costs...meaning they'll charge more, expecting the insurance to pay less, and then when they'll see how much insurance will pay, they'll make an 'adjustment'.
crazy how that works.
honestly, though, i'm self-pay..and my surgeon's part was $6,000 up front. that doesn't include the 32,000 hospital bill (which is for a 23 hour stay) and that doesn't include the anesthesiologists' fee (which I have yet to find out a quote on).
So if those are my self-pay prices, i'm not surprised that yours is even more than that if you have insurance.
GREAT JOB!!! Yep, I know about those nasty scales! I am still going with Rhonda's scales cause they weigh me less than the Docs and my scales still say 1 pound more than hers did....
As for the reason your bills are so high, the Doc has to pay off his student loans and the hospital is paying for a new wing or two.....