no flaming please---just info
Hi Jane,
No flames here honey, I've had the same symptoms happen to me on several occasions. I've had problems with my blood sugar doing a rollercoaster for several years now.
Pretty often, it seems when I get that low blood sugar feeling (dizzy, cold, heart thumping sensation) and I know I have gone too long without eating or ate too many carbs and no protein. Then, I eat too much sugar in an effort to feel better. Then my blood sugar goes too high for a while and I feel bad because it is too high, then it bottoms again and the rollercoaster continues. Only by pairing sugar and protein do I get it to stop going to extremes.
Protein bars (containing about 15 grams of sugar and protein) work really well for me otherwise I could go back and forth for days with a "sugar hangover". Once I had this reaction to a bowl of oatmeal at Crackerbarrel, it was awful! When this happens you don't forget it anytime soon! I'm still afraid of Crackerbarrel's oatmeal!
I hope ya feel better.
No Flaming here either! I remember the worst dumping incident for me, it was shortly after my surgery and I had a cold. I sat and was going though one Honey/Lemon Hall's (with the honey center) after another - never thought about reading the label. It was not long that the evil darkness decended and by the time I realized what I had done, there was nothing left to do but excuse myself and crash for the night. I now read EVERY label.