Getting to know you Tues

on 1/30/06 10:44 pm
1. 21 yrs old 2. Absolutely, positively YES!!!! 3. No, I've never even been drunk a day in my poor pitiful life 4. I did before I got so big that I look like a beached whale. I hope to enjoy once again after I lose this wt.
Janie Bell
on 1/30/06 10:58 pm - Poplarville, MS
Okay Leslie Are you feeling guilty or something. Drinking wasn't menioned in #3. You must have had a wild night! haha lol Just kidding Jane
on 1/31/06 4:35 pm
Hey Jane! I am trying hard to make everyone believe what an innocent angel I have been all my life. I have never been in trouble. I have never done anything wrong. If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.... Leslie
on 1/30/06 11:09 pm - Marion, MS
1. At what age did you marry? 25 years old 2. Do you believe in miracles? I most definantly do. 3. Have you ever egged or toilet paper rolled someone's house? I have toilet papered a house in high school. No egging. I had my car egged when my son in his younger years had pissed someone off. So I don't like that at all. 4. Do you enjoy the water and swimming? I enjoy the water but have a great fear of drowning. So I can swim but don't enjoy it too much. Steph
Kitsy I.
on 1/30/06 11:20 pm - Vicksburg, MS
. At what age did you marry? What a horrible question for me!! LIZ TAYLOR wannabe. LOL 18, 19, and 33. 2. Do you believe in miracles? As far as I am concerned, I am a walking miracle. I had a serious car wreck with a neck injury. Dr. cannot explain how or why I am walking or even alive. 3. Have you ever egged or toilet paper rolled someone's house? I have but not in many many years. 4. Do you enjoy the water and swimming? I do now that I am smaller!
Tammy S.
on 1/31/06 1:31 am - The Queen City, MS
1. At what age did you marry? 19 yrs. old 2. Do you believe in miracles? Yes I do. I see them everyday. 3. Have you ever egged or toilet paper rolled someone's house? I have.......... NOT !!! And I'd whip my child if I ever found out that she had done it. 4. Do you enjoy the water and swimming? Yes !!!
on 1/31/06 3:45 am - Hattiesburg, MS
Married at 21 years old and was married for 10 years. **Filed for Divorce today** I do believe in Miracles. Never egged anything but rolled many of things including school buses. I spend alot of time in the water during the summer. Fat or Skinny - I was in the water.
on 1/31/06 4:58 am - Vancleave, MS
1. 1st time 16,ended @18, Married Brian at 27 2. Yes ,I see them everyday .God has blessed us in many ways. 3. No. I knew I would in the wrong ,I also knew I would be cleaning it up if I ever did. 4.I like water if its not over my head, one of those fear thing I have to get through Wanda Weimer
on 1/31/06 5:20 am - purvis, MS
i was married at 21 years old. i do believe in miracles.....our salvation alone is the biggest miracle God ever gave us, His Son. i have rolled and egged a few houses and vehicles in my day in high school and alittle in college, a few frat boy pledges had clean up duty many a early saturday morning thanks to me and my friends!!!! i enjoy the water very much and this summer will be so good i will be able to enjoy it with my girls and not feel like everyone is staring at my fat butt!! crystal
on 1/31/06 6:26 am - Chunky, MS
1. I was 28 when I got married. 2. Yes I believe in miracles. 3. Yes I have done my fair share of rolling but no eggs. 4. I love to swim I have just always hated being in front of people in a bathing suit. Becky
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