I should be getting a consultation soon
Hi. I called Janet (Dr. Whitehead's nurse) today to make sure my application was received. She called back & said everything looked good & I'd filled out everything to a 't' which they LOVE. She told me her & Dr. Whitehead would look at all the new applications (3 including mine) & she'd call me Monday to set up an appointment! I'm glad to hear this but I'm not overly excited. I just feel like something (insurance) isn't going to go my way. & while I'm thinking of it , if I ever refer to "Dr. Whitehead" as "Dr. Applewhite" look over it. Dr. Applewhite is a surgeon here in Laurel that has cut me open a couple of times thanks to Gall Bladder & Umbilical hernia! I just typed the wrong doc's name...so letting ya'll know if I do it again!
Thanks to Crystal G. if you're reading this! I appreciate the help & understanding. I'd go crazy if I were doing this alone!
hey girl i was at the hospital today bc my new nephew was born today hes so cute!!! he looks like his mommy! little Ely Russell Green 7lbs 11oz 19 3/4 inches long!!! so i walked over to the clinic while i was waiting to see my sil(she had a c section and was in recovery) to harass dr whitehead but he was in Vail Col(we should all feel sorry for him ...not!!!) so i talked with Janet and i asked her about ur app and she had said that she talked to u so good news and shes on top of it!! sounds good im sure ur ins will be fine!!!
Hey Melissa, you are not alone! We are all here for you! I am sorry I am so late replying, I have been out of pocket!!! I have met Dr. Whitehead and he is a lovely man and I hear a really good Doc so you will be in the best of hands. I will keep you in prayers that all goes well with the insurance.