Wellnes Works Tip of the Day-Pasta Portion

on 1/8/06 10:01 pm - Hattiesburg, MS
Did you know that one portion of pasta is a 1/2 cup cooked, or a serving about the size of half a baseball? Depending on gender, age and level of physical activity, most Americans need between 6 and 11 servings of grains each day. Heaping plates of pasta may end up providing more calorie dense carbohydrates than you need. For a well-balanced meal, try smaller portions of whole grain starches with lots of vegetables and some lean meat, fish, chicken or tofu.
Arlies Q
on 1/8/06 11:39 pm - Brandon, MS
Scarey, huh? Before surgery how often did you eat 1/2 cup of spagetti? Nope, me either, I ate a PLATTER OR TWO full!!!! I don't eat much pasta now - less than 1/2 cup at a time because it makes my tummy feel a little catti-whompus....I might can get 1/4 cup down.....It is amazing how little we really need. Smoochies Arlies
Tammy S.
on 1/9/06 2:33 am - The Queen City, MS
Great tip I'm still avoiding all types of pasta's - if possible. Its hard to eat at someone's house & that is what they have. Thanks for the Tips ~ I for one, REALLY enjoy them & learn from them !!! Hope you keep posting them. Tammy
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