Hattiesburg support meeting and luncheon
I am having my plastic surgery on the 12th. But have it when you want to because I have a two week recovery time before I can even drive. I probably won't feel like going anywhere for two weeks after my surgery as I am having 3 procedures done. So, don't worry about me. I just won't make it to this one unless we wait until end of January early February.
How insensitive of me to forget your surgery date today. My husband and I have been remembering you though. We discussed that you were probably apprehensive AND excited. The unknown always gets me. You will do fine I know. I can't wait to see the results. My legs and arms are the worst. Not really my stomach. Don't get me wrong, the belly is pretty bad but I can deal with it. There is no way I could wear sleeveless shirts. I wear alot of elbow length shirts.
Hope to hear from Christine on the 12th with an update about you. Please keep us informed. We will remember you especially that morning.
Love Jane
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. I will keep everyone informed through my hubby or Christine. One or the other will post. I am excited but also very nervous. Five hours is a long time to be put to sleep. I am also worried about the pain afterwards. You always here how painful a tummy tuck is. But after the healing is over I am sure I will be glad I did it.