Getting to know you
What is your favorite flower---Texas bluebonnets or wildflowers on the side of the road.
Do you have a lot of pictures on your walls----Yes. all my family stuff is in the back bedroom with my computer so I can visit and remember when I am surfing the web.
Do you hang stockings every Christmas---no
What kind of pets do you have----I have one dog, chihuahua named Rusty, 2 cats Felix and Tigger.
What is your favorite flower---roses and tiger lilies
Do you have a lot of pictures on your walls----some need more
Do you hang stockings every Christmas---yep and stuff them but only for the kids
What kind of pets do you have----two dogs: Chester (mutt) and Barley (yorkie) and 1 black and white cat that found us after the hurricane so she's named Katrina
What is your favorite flower ? pink rose
Do you have a lot of pictures on your walls ? i did before my house was flooded . now i have a few .
Do you hang stockings every Christmas ? no i forget bad me
What kind of pets do you have ? i have a all white cat DeDe and a dog he is a beagel names bryer .
sara 283/189/140
What is your favorite flower---The ones my husband has delivered to work. (Hint! Hint!
Ronny...the first day back to school for the new year would be a lovely day to get flowers!) My favorite flowers are really pink sweetheart roses.
Do you have a lot of pictures on your walls----I have several pictures and photos throughout the house. I have found a two rather expensive paintings at garage sales for $20. People just do not realize what they are selling.
Do you hang stockings every Christmas---I will but have not yet. I hope to get them hung today. :pin:
What kind of pets do you have----I have two dog*****in and Pie. Santa brought us two fish last year....Dora and Boots.
Merry Christmas!
Sonya Sumrall
Favorite Flower: Gardenia
Pictures: Nope - not much of anything. A few..
Stockings: Hang them every year - normally dont stuff them - am this year though. Its kinda good though cause Emily has stuff in her stocking and she aint even checked it.
Pets: I used to have pets. Had 2 parrots, 2 gerbils, 2 fish, and a dog. Now, I have nothing.