HOLY MOLY KAPOLY SHAMOLY! 209 pounds? Arlies, that is like a whole person. You should be jumping from the rafters in joy. I know you feel a thousand times better and you should be so proud.
I cant drink either. I have never been a big drinker even preop so I cant help you there. Just try is all I can say. I dont want to see you dehydrated.
You wont see me drinking much of anything unless it is a red bull. I dont really do sodas or water. I will occasionaly drink tea if it is handy or sips of sodas if I am at Melissas... She has good sodas..
I have done really bad lately.. I havent taken a vitamin in about 3 months. I have got to get my ass back in gear. I need some major fussing. I have not had a B12 shot in many months. I need it bad.
Its your turn to get on my butt about that.
I am so very very proud of you. You have had a wonderful year.
Here, let me slap you upside the head, girl!!! I know the move and re-settling has gotten you off kilter. You and your Em need to bundle up, haul out those bikes and hit the road. The more you pedal, the less you eat. and the more toned up you'll get! Now leave the Christmas candy alone or I will personally tell Santa Claus what you are up to!!!!!
I love you dearly!
Arlies!..i am so proud of you and FOR you!..did you ever think eleven months ago that you'd feel this good?....you go girl!....as far as the liquids, i'm with Andrea...i love the Crystal Lite Peach tea...i know you don't like tea but believe me, this doesn't taste like tea...it just tastes peachy!....i go through a gallon every other day by myself....and it makes you tinkle like crazy!..lol....so it's good to keep the fluid off as well as just being good....i tried the WalMart brand cos it is way cheaper....but, i like the taste of the Crystal lite better and it seems to dissolve better...try it!..it can't hurt..lol....Keep up the good work!!