What just happened to me?
I dont know whats wrong , i feel strange. I just got very flushed my face is beet red and tingiling , my head is hurting and i'm dizzy, and my heart is raceing a little bit! Whats ya'll diaganosis? low blood sugar? I dont think I'm dumping I just had 2 cups of coffee and 1/2 a protein shake , my vits and my b-12! UHHGGGGGGG this aint fun!!!
Sounds like caffiene overdose to me....Trust me.....I overdosed on it a couple of times and now cannot tolerate it....Haven't had real coffee since I was about 23......But it still could be dumping....but I am a betting on the caffiene overload....it will pass, but stay away from caffiene....and check with your doc....
Thanks Everybody I DOOOOO think it was the caffine , i ate sum sugar and i still felt the same so it wasnt my blood sugar! I have been drinking coffee again since its been cool weather , guess its time to switch to decaf!! Strange how some days things wont bother you and the next they make you dump or whatever that was the caffine done to me! I will not drink caffine again i still feel terriable!!!