6mos out today!
Thanks Tammy, yhea a size 12 does feel pretty good much better than a 20! LOL I know i beat myself up too much and i need to stop , that cant be good!! Im doing great with my eatting except for an occasional sweet, yhea i dont dump, but i only let myself have a bite! I can eat most of the same stuff as before, i just have trouble with sandwiches, fried foods, and chinese , so i stay away from those things unless I'm in the mood to
I told you that you are doing GREAT.. Stop beating yourself up! 88 pounds is better than 0 pounds!!
Stay away from the sweets girl!! I am going to kick your butt!!
Love ya, I really enjoyed the other night, we will have to do it again sometime. You look great!
240/127 (and want to stay exactly where I am!!)
Thanks Rhonda, i just wanna look like you , you skinny hussie!!LOL
I keep compairing myself to you and everyone else for that matter , its driving me nuts!!
I'm done with the sweets(again) ! I had a bad experiance tonight at Curves the lady was mean to me because i havent lost more wt, so you know thats all it takes to get me motivated!!haha
I had a ball the other night , we need together again before the next meeting , maybe your skinnyness will rub off on me!