Hello to all!
Just wanted to ask you all to remember me in your prayers. All my paperwork was sent in to my insurance company yesterday so I should have an answer around Chirstmas! This is all good and well but, I am just not the most patient person in the world!
I haven't been able to talk to my family much about my feelings because, to them, I am fine the way I am. They love me no matter what. That is wonderful but what about how I feel about me?
I have battled with my weight for the past 10 years and I am just battle-weary. I am tired of feeling bad about myself. Heck--I am tired of being tired. I have two beautiful daughters and I don't want to pass along this awful self-image to them.
Please, please just keep me in your prayers. I don't pray for insurance approval as much as I pray that I will be able to deal with God's will whatever the answer is. I know that I serve an awsome God whose way I may not always understand but I do have faith that I will be taken care of. I guess I just really need to "vent" to people that I know have felt this exact same way! I just really don't know how I would handle a rejection letter-- where would I go from there?!
Thank you,
Lady Madonna, Children at your feet......
Patience is one lesson that God NEVER tires of trying to teach me! I will hope and pray that he finds you a much, much quicker learner than I am!!! We won't worry ahead about your insurance denying you, but if it does, betwixt all of us, we can come up with some good ideas. What insurance do you have? And don't feel bad about just do the best you can....that's all any of us can do.....too bad if that doesn't suit the world....we will kick, scratch and fight for you, if'n somebody has a problem with you! Hang in there, you are so very precious to God and He does want you to be healthy and we will just have to travel whatever road he has in mind for you ....and us! Be especially sure that you come often and whine so that you will fit it with all us!!! We are champeen whiners at times! And someone will always offer cheese to go with our whines! And I whine extra often cause I LOVE cheese!!!!
Thank you Sherry and Arlis!!!! I feel better already! I just knew that this was the right thing to do. Arlis, your words are very, very kind and comforting! You obviously have the God given gift of encouraging others. I love it!!!! I see your posts on here a lot and I thank God for you. I tell that you mean SOOOO much to everyone here. I look forward to the whine & cheese---cause I love cheese too!!
Many, many thanks,
Please keep your chin up. We are going to pray for quick positive answers from the insurance. Nothing surprizes God! He knows what you need and when you need it. Let us know when you get that acceptance letter from the insurance because I have faith that it is going to be on its way in no time.
Hey Madonna,
I'm gonna pray that God will do what he thinks is best for you. I hope that it turns out the way you want. But if it doesn't, it just means that God has bigger & better plans for you. And it could be something so great, that the thought of WLS is as small as a grain of sand.
I know all too well about the long battle with weight. I have faught that fight for 17 years. But... I have learned that my weight doesn't define who I am or what I'm worth. I hope that you too will learn that & pass that on to your daughters. That's the best gifts that you can give yourself & them.