To Everyone !!!
Wow, what a tear jerker.
I hate to see you leave. We really haven't spent any time together other than at Arlies' bedside when she had her surgery, the first time I met you, and at the two wonderful bashes. You have been a very dear friend to many of us on this board. You are always full of wisdom and knowledge and we really appreciate it. When you get to Jacksonville, make sure you get internet immediately, we want you back online as soon as possible. Don't get over there and forget about us here on the MS board, you are still part of our family. I hope you have a safe and uneventful move. As far as for us, we will be here for about another year the way it looks. We will stick it out and hope and pray that we get either to FL or GA when we do get orders. I hope you enjoy Jacksonville. Take care, and keep in touch! We will miss you!
Hey Andie sorry to here about the move. We are still waiting on Brians order .Because of my health and the children the ship put in a hardships
paper . So we still don't know whats up. I haven't been on the board lately . I have been trying to get the help we need with the house and
the children . The specialty doctors the children were using are all gone
so we have been going back and forth to Louisiana and here. We are going to be in Baton Rouge for Christmas as far as I know right now.
Well from one navy wife to another have a safe journey. I will miss you.