They don't have a "bashfull" icon so just combine the two I listed.
Me sling bodies ? NEVER !!!
I'z sorry.
But you know, it is really hard not to be ugly when your on deaths door step. Or at least think that you are. Everyone was telling me that it would get better. And it wasn't getting better. If anything, more junk was going wrong. Your mind is running wild with a billion crazy unexplained thoughts & you start to believe every one of them.
But maybe nobody else had any of those things happen to them
And to make matters worse, I'm a GIANT BABY when it comes to being sick !!! Just ask anyone in my family. The world should stop when I'm sick & get me well. But that is another story.
I feel a lots better. Praise God !!!
(knocking on wood, crossing fingers, etc.)
I'm getting out more.
Getting back in church has been the best thing so far, but I've also been to Wal-Mart, Sam's, Marvin's, etc. Even tho in Sam's I still do a scooter. That place is just too big to walk for 2 hours right now. I have walked in Wal-mart for 30-45 minutes & about 20 mins. in Marvin's.
How long will it take for the "I'm full" feeling to stop being just like the
"I'm fixing to be sick" feeling ?
I still throw up sometimes & I do feel sick everyday while & after I eat. My bites can't get any smaller. If I were to reduce them anymore, I'd just be licking the food. And as for slowing down, it already takes aprox. 30 minutes to eat 2-3-4 bites. My bites depend on how good my day is going.
Anyways.... Johnny is waiting on me to go bye-bye again. So I better get.
LOVE YA !!! Tammy
I STILL get the "I'm fixing to be sick" feeling after I eat sometimes. It could be from a lot of different things - Mine is usually overeating or not chewing enough. Sometimes the food just doesnt sit well in my pouch but I remember being early out and just feeling miserable when I ate. I would eat lunch and then sleep in my car for another hour. Those first two months were hard for me because when I ate I got sick - not throwing up sick - just miserable.
Its nice to see you back to yourself. Sounds like you are doing really really well.
Hey Girlie,
It is great to be back to normal. Or at least half way normal
I've seen your moving out & on your own. I'm sorry that it got to that point, but doll it sounds like your going to be so much better off.
And Melissa fixing up your new place..... WOW !!! You should really be proud to have her as a friend & insist that her hubby shop more often.
OMG.... Your a year out & still get that way.
It whips my tail down. It happened again at lunch to the point I had to lay down. I'm just getting up from it. Who knows what it is.
It doesn't happen all the time. Maybe I'm getting nervous thinking that it is going to happen & I just jinx myself into it.
I went this morning and go my nails done.
Came home & ate 1/2 chicken strip & it was on.
Oh well, tomorrow is coming & it has to be better !!!
I have Christmas shopping to do so I can't stay down !!!
Moving blows big time! Do you hear me? I still have so much to do but at least it is all under one roof right now. Got the last of my things last night and now I am just in the process of organizing it all. Took me 30 minutes this morning to find something to wear to work.
Emily's room has become a "catch all". Today I have to get in there and get it all picked up so I can get her beds set up. I dont have a washer and dryer so I may wash clothes all day tomorrow. I have about 4 loads or more already that need to be done.
I am not ready for Christmas at all. I will be out on Dec 21st fighting the crowds trying to get Christmas.
Yes, a year out and I still havent learned when enough is enough. But, I am getting better. The lighter the food the better. I usually have to sleep it off. I get SO sleepy. Its on my profile too... I will sleep wherever I get the urge. I sleep under my desk at work sometimes. Hehehe... Dont tell my boss.
Sounds like you are about back to normal. Good to hear that! We missed you.
I CANNOT believe you can walk for 45 minutes in Walmart!!!!! I bet at your next checkup, you will have lost a bunch of pounds!!! You are doing awesome!!!
I seldom get sick now, but every once in a while I get sick as a dog.....but after I go I feels good again - but I don't wanna eat for a LONG time after! Hang in there, I see daylight at the end of your tunnel!!!!
Smoochies & hugs
Well I did walk 30-45 mins. in Wal-Mart!!!!
And for your info...... I probably gained weight !!!
I have a few of those random thoughts also. Do you ?
Please tell me they are normal !!!
You may want to watch out for what ever is at the end of my tunnel.
It just may be a train. You never know !!!