Hey, DeAnna, just checking in to tell you how I am doing with my water today. So far, I have drank 20 oz of water. I was hoping to have downed more than that by now, but it is 20 more than I usually have. I am hoping to drink that much more before I go home. I did allow myself a coke zero earlier. I just had to have it. I know that could have been water and adding to my oz for the day, but hey, I have to start somewhere. I have been full as a tick all day with all the extra drinking. Maybe that's the key to not eating LOL. Considering how I usually drink tea and other beverages all day, I am doing good to get the water so far.
So, how are you doing today with your goal to get in more water?
277/136 (and holding on very tight)
I just had to respond when I saw this post on your water intake. Very very good on the water melissa. I am very proud of you. I know the water intake has been a huge prob with me to. I vowed Monday to start drinking at least 60 oz a day. Hey that is just three 20 oz bottles i knew I could do it and I have. I am so proud of myself. I drink my first bottle before noon or try to. I drink another bottle between noon and 4pm then I drink another bottle while I am exercising. I have even been drinking another bottle at home at night. so for the most part I have been getting in 80 oz a day since monday. I hope I can keep it up. The down fall is I dont drink anything else. Other than my am coffee (about 2 cups). I just dont have time to fit anything else in. lol lol Not sure if that is a good thing or not. I know it would be better to try and get at least a cup of juice in. Maybe I will try and drink 8 oz of juice at night. Anyway best of luck to you.
Love ya
You go girl. You are doing excellent with getting the water in. I am just trying to get in 40 oz right now as I have a hard time with too much liquid. Makes me feel sick. I count juice as part of my water/liquid intake as my doctor says anything that is not carbonated or cafeinnated counts. So go ahead and drink you some juice or milk. It counts.
I am very proud of you. I am slowly but surely going to get where I need to be with my liquids one day. I am working on it at least. I will use you as my inspiration.
We need to get together and do lunch one day soon. You, me, and Christine need to meet at Chesterfields.
Thanks for posting too, I am glad to know that others are in the same boat! We gotta just keep encouraging and challenging each other. It certainly helps me to be in touch with other people about these things like exercising and drinking water, NOT SNACKING, etc. I'm adding some plain yogert tomorrow and maybe some juice too just 6-8 oz. I will absolutely drink a pretty large bottle of water while exercising, I just have not been exercising lately, but getting back to it this week.
Thanks so much for keeping me to task. Am proud of you today! I have had my 32 ounce bottle, plus one 12 oz. glass of water standing at the sink, several glasses of tea (not sweet), one-half of a diet coke, one protein shake this morning. I think that's about it. So, much better than usual....will continue and do even better tomorrow. Need to cut out the tea or at least just have one glass. My goal is to fill up tha****er bottle two or three times during the day tomorrow, and get on that treadmill, as I am about to do now hopefully. AND NO SNACKING TONIGHT...I have started having stuff to eat really late, did not do it last night and not gonna do it tonight.
We are going to get that 30+ off me!!!!!!!!!!!
I got some more water in this evening, and I did my taebo. That puts me exercising every day since Saturday. I used to exercise all the time and made it a mandantory part of my day, but with things at work getting hectic and then Katrina messing things up I kind of got off track but started back exercising regularly this week. And I feel so much better and eat less when I am exercising. I find I eat less when I drink more water too. Maybe I am on to something here LOL. We will keep each other accountable. We are both far out from surgery when things get a little tougher. To stay on track and motivated I find I need good support. You will get that 30+ off and I will maintain my loss at my goal. We can do this. Good luck and let me know how tomorrow goes.
How are you doing today? Were you at the meeting Tuesday night at CMMC? A friend of mine, Deloris Sneed, said someone named Melissa was there, and it sounded a lot like you.
Good with water today - 64 oz plus. Got on treadmill today, and hit the punching bag for a while. have 3 years of karate training and try to keep up the kicking and punching and some of the moves, I like tae bo too. Have a tae bo tape I will be getting it out once I have gotten used to treadmill and built up to it in a few days. But, going to exercise every day now.
I did log most of my food today, and will do better with eating tomorrow knowing I will be logging it in tomorrow night. Snacked a little when my husband came in late for supper...
I am doing much better with the water. I find if I add a little lemon and splenda it goes down better. I have exercised every day and keeping my food log. I have always done the food log though. The stuff written in it is just better now. I am feeling good and my weight loss is maintaining so feel like I am back on track. Helps staying accountable on here. I found that after the storm when I couldn't get on here and then was too busy to get on that is when I got off my program and backslid a little. But coming on here and posting and interacting daily again has gotten me right back on. I appreicate all of you guys so much.
Love ya,
Coke zero counts as a liquid. So add that into your liquid intake. Sometimes just plain ole water doesn't do the trick, but carbonated drinks do have lots of sodium and that means retaining fluid, so mostly water, okay? But anything you drink should count! And I know you won't drink a sugared drink!!!! I have seen what happens when you and sugar tangle!!!!! Keep it up! I am gonna drink extra for you today!