Identity Theft
Identity Theft
Watch out for identity theft !!!
While I was off the Internet after having surgery someone tried to steal my id.
Well, actually they did do it, just with not much luck. Thank God.
You know how we always pass around those emails asking you a bunch of questions about your likes, dislikes, etc. ? Well, I think that is how them may have gotten their hands on some of my passwords. However, I'm not 100% sure about that.
They managed to get my tammynms@yahoo email account. Which had a lot of my info (passwords, accounts, etc.) in a file folder there. Once they got that they had access to my banking & credit card info. A lot of my bills were sent to that email address, so they racked up with info.
The first thing they did was go to eBay & bid on a bunch of these new PSP Players & MP3 Players. They tried to charge them ($700.00 worth) to my Discover card thru Pay-Pal !!! Thankfully..... Pay-Pal locked down the account & Discover Card called questioning the charges.
Come to find out, the thief even went as far as emailing the sellers wanting to know if they would gift wrap the items for them in Birthday paper !!!
I still don't have access to that old email address.
And I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to get it back.
I've been busy changing passwords, account info., closing our checking account & opening up a new one, canceling credit cards, etc.
Plus, it takes about an hour on the phone to prove who you are to get control back of your Pay-Pal & eBay accounts.
Do yourself a favor,
If you get one of those "Let's learn about each other" emails... DELETE IT !!!
Or reply to it & tell them that it is none of their business !!!
girl i'm glad you caught this..i hadda friend that this happened to and unfortunately, she didn't catch it in time...this guy charged all kind of stuff to her account!...and he got her identity from E-Bay! be careful all using E-Bay! are you feeling?...let me hear from you...i've been praying for ya...hope to hear good news!....i am waiting for my charts to be sent from UMC to Vicksburg, River Region....Carla, the bariatric nurse there, has kept me in formed and i love it...after being in the dark for so long about everything at UMC, it sure is nice..and she's even had the she knows all about all this hurry up and wait went to WalMart today and by the time i got out, my back was killing me....if this surgery helps that, it will be worth it...i'm sick of pain....well, let me hear from you....Take care!....LORI