God Works!!!
Since yesterday, I have had another insurance update. When I started this process, I prayed to God that if surgery was not the answer for me, to please remove the option. When I was turned down on financing because my BC/BS would not pay, I thought -Okay this is God's way of taking it away. Then my husband told me how good his insurance was supposed to be, I asked him to check on adding us to his policy. Sure enough, God opened that door. I thanked God and said that 3 years would pass before I know it and that it would give me time to get into the best shape I could get in for surgery.
WELL - Today, I called Becky at the WL center in Oxford to let her know about the 3 years and she said that was not right!!! It is 3 years if I had not had prior coverage. I have been covered for 2 years Nov.1. When my insurance goes into effect in January, I will have had insurance for 2 years and 2 months. My husband's insurance said they would count that toward my 3 years!!! In my life, I have learned that when I turn lose of the reigns... God had them the hold time. He was just waiting on me to let me take charge. And by the way... He works better and faster than I!!!!
Love all of ya'll.
Dear Babette,
I'm so happy for you that things are falling into place for you. Yea, 3 years would have been over before you know it, but hey.. that's EXCELLENT news, that they will count that time towards " time served" and you will have a lot less time to wait.
I always tell my hubby, you gotta put your faith in HIM and he'll show you the way. We've had some tough times and it's always been to a point where we looked at the future and it looked dim, and somehow SOMETHING happened that turned things around for us and we came out of it because we just kept our faith.
The lord works in mysterious ways.
I thank him every single day of my life that I've been given another shot at life, this surgery is what saved me and I know that I'll see my kids grow up now. Believe me, at one point in my journey, it looked like I was never going to get it done, but HE led me thru it
Keep us posted on your progress.
Our GOD is awsome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wowzers, girl, in 10 months you can have the surgery and be on the losing side. Check and see what they require and get it done before the end of the 10 months and you'll be ready to go.
I recomend you read all reports about the surgery even the negative ones to make a fully informed decision.I did and it did not change my mind. I'm still waiting for a date.
I am so happy for you Babette.