Diet Soda
I was told by Dr C that sodas are no no's why get back in a bad habbitand soda's (even diet) are a bad habbit. The acid in them wil eat your teath and i wont say about the carbonation ( I know it wont hurt your pouch) but it wil make you gassy. So that is MHO. So I just say no to sodas.
Barry -157 and going on
(stepping off soap box now)
I"ve been drinking diet soda for a while now and it doesnt bother me at all, but then again nothing does! I only drink a sip or two and not everyday. I do wish that i had never tryed them or a few other things for that matter. I think that its differant for everyone in what they can tollerate, and just because you can don't mean you should ( yes, I"m talking to myself here ,HAHA).
I can drink a whole one and a real one for that matter and not dump i just have to make myself not do it !! I used to drink a 12 pack of real coke a day before surgery, i still miss it so bad its hard to watch other people drink it ! Heck i want one right now just thinking about it makes me shake! hehe dawn