Post traumatic stress disorder=PTSD
A quote from David Kinchin a PTSD "guru".
"PTSD is a NATURAL emotional reaction to a deeply shocking and disturbing experience after which it can be difficult to believe that life will ever be the same again" .....sound familiar?
PTSD symptoms: (some of this describes normal behavior for some people) it applies only if it is a change in behavior:
-Phobias about specific daily routines, events or objects (it has to be done now)( I have to get it done now)(I can't find such-and-such and I have to find it)
irrational or impulsive behaviors
loss of interest in what was important before
loss of ambition
anhedionia(inability to feel joy and pleasure)
poor concentration
inpaired memory
joint pains,muscle spasms
emotional numbness
physical numbness
low self esteem
insomnia and awakening early or often startled awake
an overwhelming sense of injustice and a strong desire to do something about it
overwhelming guilt
I care about all of you and your families so watch each other and yourself for some of these signs
Thank You, Tomanip.
I know a lot of us are going thru PTSD right now, some more than others, and it's important to recognize the symptoms. I 've went to see a doc about a month and a half ago about my being insane < hehe> and this hurricane business isn't helping, but I am still in check with my sanity and I'm hanging in there. Hormones unleashed by rapid weightloss, combined with stress and traumatic events such as Katrina, can really screw you up. I religiously take my happypills
Some of you guys know might know that I haven't smoked in over 6 years, in December it will be 7 yrs since I touched a cigarette, and it's been on my mind every single day this week, I want one SO bad. BUT---- I am fighting the urge. I am strong and I'm not giving in. I haven't been hungry at all. I eat because I have to. Appetite these days is zero, so I stick with the vitamins and protein. At least I don't crave foods.
Between food and cigarettes, I'm fighting TWO monkeys grrrrr
I'm thinking my main problem is BOREDOM. We all know, being bored makes you eat. I've been snacking A LOT. And all bad food too. Things that won't spoil. Crackers and Chips. UGH!! Fell off the wagon for about 2 weeks, but I'm back on track now that we can get groceries again.
Thank goodness, my bestest buddy DAWN is back in town. She came back this weekend and they now live 30 minutes away from here. I got lost on the way to look for her house
since I thought I would be able to follow the street signs. I totally ignored the fact that in Long Beach there are hardly and street signs left. YIKES! lol
So now I'm doing a little better. I've gotten my friend back, I was pretty darn lonesome here for a while.
From what I hear, Sara should be back in October, they also found a place to live closeby. Thank Goodness. I'm happy they're all returning. I might keep my sanity after all
BY THE WAY.. if you guys take a tetanus shot.. dont be surprised if you get sick. I'm running a fever and feel pretty crappy today. I was warned, I took my shot, my arm ached like crazy for three days, and I thought I was fine. Sunday I started fever and ickyness. Still going on. Tylenol and lots of water today. Hopefully I'm over this tomorrow. It's a low grade fever but still enough to make me feel yuck.
OK Lady..... Where did you put the Spy Cams in my house ?
Boy am I having major fits today !!!
I have to get it done now ~ Actually I wanted it done yesterday !!!
Irrational or impulsive behaviors ~ Thinking of Getting DirectTv
& I HAVE DISHNET !!! Like I need both.
Anhedionia(inability to feel joy and pleasure) ~ I should be bouncing off the walls since my surgery is Monday !!!
Poor concentration ~ I can't think straight.
Honestly. Nothing holds my attention.
Inpaired memory ~ I am forgetting things in a matter of minutes !!!
Often startled awake ~ And nobody is in the room with me !!!
Overwhelming guilt ~ Cause we didn't lose as much as others did !!!
And to beat it all..... I cry at the drop of a hat. Now whats up with that ?
I'm not a person who breaks down & crys over nothing.
But I am this week. Actually, I have been for a couple of weeks.
Poor Arlies got an ear-full of tears from me one day.
She was shocked !!! Heck, I was shocked !!!
The least little thing, and I'm pouting !!!
Oh well, just pray for me !!! That works great !!!
Hey Tammy
Ya know, I have that "guilt" thing going on too, in light of others who lost everything, and I'm sitting here, my house survived just fine, I lost nothing in comparison to them, I mean, a fridge/ freezer full of groceries and a car that floated away while parked on the Navy Base, I didnt even have insurance on because it's an old Beater my hubby drove back and forth ( the heck with paying insurance on it for six months while he's deployed, right?? ) And I was inconvenienced by having to be without cable and stand in line for gas and took a week till I could get real groceries, I feel totally inadequately lucky for what I DIDNT lose, and the helpless feeling about not being able to do more, it's bugging me, big time.
Till yesterday when I actually checked my temperature, I thought I was really messed up, waking up half way thru the night, sweating like crazy, then I finally took my temp and realized its cuz I'm running a 102F fever. I was about to attribute it to being mental
. It's a little relief to know at least I'm truly sick. Darn Tetanus shot. I talked to my mom and she said " oh yeah, you always got pretty sick after taking your tetanus shot " >>>THANKS MOM!! I woulda been happy to know this beforehand!! LOL
Anyways. Today is another day. I'm so excited for you, your surgery is just around the corner now.. ENJOY that liquid diet, hon.. it's not gonna last forever and I promise, you can have most of those foods you want later on again. Just heal well and take it easy, you wont have to give them up!!
The spy cams are on the computer!
As I said, these symptoms are suppose to be new!!!!!!
I am praying for all of you, I remember what I went through last year with Ivan and this one was soo much worse. I thought I was really losing it and talked to my doctor who explained it to me. We've had some have symptoms return with this years storms, especially those who lost everything.
I just have the seasonal muligrubs - brought on early by the storm, but I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stree Disorder in the past and it can be ROUGH!!! And the phobias developed from it can be totally handicapping - not to mention BIAZARE....You guys take care of yourself and be kind to yourselves.
Thanks our Tomanip for posting this!
I have been thinking over the whole post traumatic stress thing over too. I cannot sleep at night, why? cause I cannot do anything stuck over here in Hong Kong. I am losing weight but a couple of weeks back, I felt that I could relate to those starving people in Africa, my eyes look so big in a thinner face!! Food sometimes doesnt agree and I am bored with the selections I have! Finally got fed up with grinding up pills and started swallowing them whole (Doctor said not to, then told Rebecca that she could do small pills, but I just make sure I eat and drink a lot before I swallow them! Changed to a big old vitamin which seems to be helping some rather than the chewables. But still, am irratable, dont like to work, people get on my nerves, and what else!!!!!
But, I am glad to know that others are feeling this way too! I guess all those bad chemicals from weight loss affect your mental processes. I am consumed with losing weight now and do not have time for anything else. Will I be consumed with keeping it off when I get to goal????
Thanks for the support you all are a blessing!!!!