OH email has gone crazy !!!
Many of the messages I got were from way before the storm. I guess that didnt have anything to do with it.
I HAVE POWER! We got power Sunday around noon. The power people that did ours was from Kent Power Company in Michigan. They were very very nice. We visited with them alot and even washed their clothes for them. They said they cant get their clothes washed at the camp they are staying at...
We are without phone service still and they told me it would be fixed no later than November 18, 2005. Sheesh! But.. we do have satelitte. I am now able to watch the news not that I want to because I hate how this tragedy has turned into a racial thing.
I'm so happy that you finally got power !!!
I know that you are too tho.
No phone ? OMG !!! That would kill me. It almost did !!! I know that no power is worse. Thank the Lord for generators. But no phone... grrrrrrr.
Just shoot me & get it over with.
Everything is racial Doll didn't you know that ?
Good to hear that you have your power back. I am glad that you guys are okay. I miss you all dearly, but have limited access to computers these days. I talked to someone from the housing office this morning and we should find out soon when we will be getting put into a house. I have been working since last Friday on getting our claim together for all of our personal belongings. This has been no picnic at all. You could not believe how bad my house stinks. I have refused to go in there the past couple of days, my dh has had to hand me items out the door. It has mildewed and the smell is putrid. I still feel we were blessed compared to so many, we lost about 80% of our house but some people lost EVERYTHING down to the slab. It saddens me to no end.
Thanks to you all for sticking by me through all of this.
Hey Rhonda,
It's good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear ya'll were
able to salvage a few things. I still couldn't imagine.
You seem to be doing really good stay strong and that
will help. If I can do anything at all please let me know.
Try to keep us updated the best you can. I know its
hard cause you have so much going on right now. I'll
be praying for you and J.