Back in Biloxi
Hello Everyone,
I am back in Biloxi as of last night. Jay came and picked me up from Mobile when my ship docked. My sisters and friends and I had a good time on our cruise but it would have been better if my sweetheart could have been with me. It was very hard to keep the horrid images of what I had to return home to out of my head, and the images I had were no where near as bad as what I seen when I did arrive. But, as Karen said, we have our lives and that is what is most important, everything else can be replaced. My cell phone should be back up and running but sporatic. My family is fine and we will recover in due time. Brandon is staying with my sister in GA and is enrolled in school there. I will be returning to work on Monday and Jay and I are staying in a dorm room on base. My kitties are fine and are in the dorm with us. I will post more later.
Love you all!
Hey Baby Girl!
I am glad you are home....well at least in the dorm. Isn't there a rule about what goes on in those dorms? Now we can't have you and Jay kicked out of BEHAVE!!!! I know Brandon is missing his Mom, but it will help him to be where everything is normal. I hope things will get more normalized soon and your little family can be all together somewhere in a new little cubby.
I love you!
Hi Rhonda,
I'am at my parents home in Baton Rouge ,La.
Brian is at our house dealing with insurance,repair, no power.
We lost our cat ,she is heartbroken as we all are.
But we are getting by.
Sorry about your home.
I haven't been able to see anything about our house ,so I have to
count on Brian to tell me what it looks like .
As soon as power is on they are to start work on our house.