A big surprise!!!
I spoke to my daughter this morning and was thrilled to learn that she was able to rescue most of the things from her home, they were not damaged by the flood, although she had severe wind and blown water damage to the house! Now the story gets interesting! They went to check on her business, reported as being looted, The door was open but when they went in, nothing was gone! Vick had a bar/disco, and not even the booze was gone, all the sound equiptment was there, computer and everything! Sooooo they loaded it all up and then locked the place up, I guess that the alarm system is back up since they had power and I understand that some have water too now!!!! Yea!!! things are looking up after such a terrible storm!!!!!!!!
My son in law is still working for NOPD, about 500 officers are not there b most had to finally go to see about their own families. All the officers mostly have no homes left to go to, the city has them in motels in Laplace and Baton Rouge. They are bussed back to sleep, eat and shower. My Son in Laws house had a tree to fall on the roof, it is crushed. I saw my Son in Law on the Today show, just a glimpse driving one of the NOPD 4 wheel drive trucks. My son who works for Immigration and Customs requested to be sent to NO to work,(he used to work for NOPD) so he is also down there working too although I dont know exactly where...........
I went to the doctor today have been monitoring my blood pressure, and although the lower number has been within bounds, the upper number was quite high and I began to worry. The doctor said that I was retaining water so put me back on meds, gave me antibiotic liquid for the infection, so will see how it goes. They all told me how much better I look since they havent seen me since surgery. That felt good!
Ok, enough from me, Have you taken your vitamins and calciums today??
My surgery was a bit risky at first cause the staple gun misfired and they knicked my lower stomach. I ended up back in surgery then in intensive care for a few days. The first few weeks were rough going, trying to get down the food and liquid. Finally after 2 months, things are a bit better and I can manage to eat some things, although my shakes are something to fall back on. You have to be very very careful after surgery. Hopefully my blood pressure will eventually level out. I have lost 35 pounds so far!
Wow Cheryl what a blessing that you're daughters store was ok even with the door open!!!!!
Hope you feel better soon.Take all the medicine even if you feel better.
Don't worry to much about the BP you've been stressed with the surgery, travel and the storm. As you lose it'll go down and you'll be off the pills.
At least that's what I'm praying for.
Thanks! I was thrilled especially when the equiptment costed 10,000!!! dollars!!! I am feeling better with the meds and trying to drink as much as possible. The doctor put me back on the meds and she will wean me off of them as I get smaller, so I am not worried. I was more worried about having a stroke off of the meds!!!!!