Just need to know everybody is safe and sound. We did fine. Lost power MOnday morning at 10 am!! Lost phones Tuesday am. Got power back today shortly after dark - hard to pay bills so that don't repo that cute black truck of mine! - and the phones started working after the lights came back on....Jim worked until NOON on Monday and went back in at regular time on Tuesday. Didn't miss but 1/2 day on Monday. Polly has really suffered in the heat. Em has been a trooper. Folks at home have no power, water or gas. Sissie-in-law says it may be MONTHS before things get better for them. Lots of trees down. Couldn't get down Savell Road from either end or down Sissie's driveway. I am in mourning for Bay St Louis/Waveland - but from the pictures, I saw that the church we got married in is still standing. I am worried about everybody - tempers and fuses are short - horrific things have been happening. Know that I love each and every one of you guys and am praying for you all. Hang on, it WILL get better. Please answer the roll call and tell us your damages...AND IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS OKAY, BUT THEY CAN'T POST....LET US KNOW ABOUT THEM....GRANJAN, REBECCA, BEAR?????
I love you!
Thank God you are okay, I was getting worried about you! I am safe and sound. Our house had 5 ft of water in it so we have lost everything in the bottom of our house (LR, Kit, DR, Ofc) Upstairs is still debatable, Our bedroom had a roof leak and all of Jay's clothes are ruined and I will find out next week if I can salvage any of mine. We leave tomorrow for our cruise, Jay can not go, so I am going with my sisters and everyone else. I need a few days away from all of the mess. I have set up temporary house at my sisters in Georgia. Brandon was enrolled in school there and will be staying with my parents while we are on the cruise. When we get back next Wednesday my sisters are going to go over with me to Biloxi to get our clothes if they are any good and some of our personal papers and things that Jay has found and laid out to dry. Keep the prayers coming.
We love you and I am so thankful that you are safe.
I will call you when I get back in town. Love you!
You, Jay and Brandon have been topmost in my mind these horrid days. I am so glad you went to GA. I know Jay is in his element now being "Mr.
What can I do to help?" His hyper-activity is paying off in spades now!!! Tams told me ya'll were okay. What a relief. I tried calling your cell phone, but it said you were out of the area! My cell works sporidically. I love ya'll dearly! Stay safe and give my man a hug and kiss when you see him next!
Good to see your power back on!!
This was posted back on Thursday
By Tomanip P. -
"The following have been heard from:
Andrea M.------Ocean Springs-ok, relocated to Lousiana
Arlies-----------ok, no power
Angie Bea-------Pearl-ok-has power
Barry Walters----OK
Crystal Milliern---Columbus-OK -has power
DX E------------Oxford----OK
Edward/Gena----Biloxi-----relocated to Memphis, TN
Fredrica---------Canton---ok has power
Joyce Richardson-Philadelphia--OK-tree on roof
Kimberly Grimme---Madison----ok --has power
Lisa--------------Corinth--ok --has power
Marci M.----------relocated to Texas
Melissa-----------Petal--relocated to Alabama
Rhonda Dawn-----OK at her Mom's
Rhonda G.--------Biloxi-- relocated to Georgia
Sara Johns-------Gulfport--in Georgia
Sherry Penn------ok --on generator
Tammy S.--------Ok- no power-on generator- has house damage"
Since then, Stephanie Dumas in Meridian, got her power back Wednesday night,
Rhonda G. has headed for Ft. Walton Beach to her other sisters house,
Then on to Mobile.
Tammy S. Power back on yesterday!
That's about it so far....
Get that scooter charged up!
Best Wishes-
Arlies: So glad you're safe! As I replied to the 9-1 post, we also lost power on Monday and woke up with it back on yesterday. Didn't lose our phone, but did lose water. No damage to our home, just tons of limbs, but that is nothing! This area down here got hit really hard, but not nearly as bad as those on the coast and in New Orleans, so we're blessed!
Jan's niece is also my cousin's wife who came over to my mom's last night to eat. Through her, I finally heard from Jan. I've been trying to call Jan all week. She is fine. Her house was not damaged, but is still out of power. She is staying with her daughter who has power right now. I got the phone number, but left it at my mom's last night. I'm gonna call her today.
Rhonda - I'm so sorry about your house. Please let me know if there's anything I can do!