Update So Far
OK.... It is 5:21 as I'm typing.
Local power is off. No TV stations are on. Not many radio stations either.
Our front porch roof is in our swimming pool in the back yard.
Wind is whipping like a S.O.B.
A post from the porch was slammed right thru the chain link fence around the pool.
The porch roof hit the roof of the house when it was going over.
So we have a leak in the livingroom. So far that is the only leak.
PRAY HARD !!! The worst is suppose to be here around 7:pm.
Arlies is without power, but OK.
Thanks Dex, Yall Be safe !!!
To see what is going on in our area go to:
Scroll down & click on the box that says something like...
Katrina Coverage.
It is live feed of the local station.