627 pound woman has gastric bypass surgery
They just had a big article in the paper about how Mississippi is the fattest state in the nation. I never really paid alot of attention to how many overweight people there are until after my surgery. EVERYWHERE you look there are really, really big people. I have to sit on my self to keep from talking to them about the surgery.....I am sure that alot of them would NOT appreciate it. As for the buffets, I don't care to go out to eat at buffets...never have....because if I go out and pay for a meal, I want to be SERVED!!!! That's my lazy streak!!! And most of us can cook better food at home than we can get from a buffet!! - except for maybe the Chinese ones....Now I REALLY don't think a buffet is worth my time or money. But, hey, before surgery I was determined if I went to a buffet to get my moneys worth.....And now that I have had surgery, when I get full, I cannot bear to watch folks eat!!!
Weird how things change....